Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordy, Tattling Wednesday

We call this Wednesday: "Mommy's new obsession" or "WHY WE ARE BEING IGONRED!!"

She has all of the books, she downloaded the soundtrack this weekend and now she is talking about getting Aunt Susan and Tybalt's Mommy (Happy Birthday Aunt Rini!!) to go see the movie with her soon. It's a book woman and you're way too old for him anyway!! I think you are right kitties, we gonna make her walk the plank soon if she keeps swooning like a ridiculous teenager and ignoring us and not giving us enough attention and nummies. Sigh. Did we mention she also adores True Blood and swoons over Eric and Sam there? Pathetic!!


Jimmy Joe said...

Your momma needs to work on her priorities, I think, buddies--I mean, it's all right for a Bean to like a book, but to FORGET TO BUY A KITTY'S CRUNCHIES? That is inexcuseable.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...
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Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Haha Your mommy likes Twilight? We have band it from our momma! She is vamp obsessed and we worry what it might do to her!

The Island Cats said...

Oh, please don't let our mom see this...she'll start reading these books and becoming all obsessed and will forget all about us....

PB 'n J said...

Our Mommy said that we should correct you, in that he is to old for her! But she's a Twilight super fan too. Sheesh don't these Mommy's have enough fabulous ManCats to keep them busy?! -Jake and Bert

My dearest Hunk of Ginger ManCat,
You are always welcome to come live here! Mommy made good on the tons of temptations and so there's plenty to go round! The only problem is that it's furry cold out now, so we'll have to spend our days snuggled in the kitty cups rather than strolling the garden (but I think that's just fine ::giggle::).
Purrs and Nosekisses,
Your Adoring Black Pearl

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I think Twilight Obsession is hitting everywhere. At least it only temporary, while we are permanent

Anonymous said...

Momma has been looking forward to seeing this movie too!! And she tried to get True Blood on DVD but can't yet.. grrrr
Momma just hopes that the Twilight is not as EMO as it looks. She loved the stories about lestat but thought Louis was a big whiner.. she can't stand whiny peoplez :)
Momma thinks that they shoudl have got a better looking guy to play the lead.. anyone say girly much?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

My human read those books. You know, she must be the weirdo because while she found the first one pretty fun she didn't really like the others due to being ready to kill the heroine because she was so darned annoying! However there is a group of women from her new office that all want to see the movie too.

Motor Home Cats said...

Mom says all the girls at her school are reading that series of books. Mom was thinking of getting it just to see what the fuss was about. We hope your mommy stops neglecting you for it soon.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Fat Eric said...

I just read your previous post - your humans let you RUN OUT OF FOOD????!!!! No punishment is bad enough for them! Outrageous!

Anonymous said...

heh heh Yoo know the mom lubs vampire stories and movies too. As a matter of fact she named my boy, Khayman, after the one in Queen of the Damned! Sumtimes I worry he may try to steal my bloods but so far its been ok!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

gasp! I just read your post below and I am mortified! She let you run out of kitty crunchies?!?

I think you should do all three punishments to her. Bendrix is also willing to come help out.

My mommy hasn't read these, but she does like the Charlain Harris books!

Black Cat said...

Oh man, is Twilight available in the UK? I love vampire stories, maybe coz I am one! Well, I don't actually have fangs or drink blood, but I am a creature of the night! But I would never forget the kitteh food... :) xxx

Sunny's Mommy said...

Make her walk the plank! Cats and woofies are much more important than books and movies.

Unknown said...

We are having the same problem with our Momma.... she's been totally dazzled by Edward. (she hasn't let us run out of foods yet, but we'll be sure to keep reminding her) we hope you can get her to pay more attention to ya'll soon... we've found that sitting on her book and attacking her bookmark distracts her and makes her play with us and stuff so maybe that will work for you too!!!


Rossetti and Kirara