Monday, September 29, 2008
No Mancat Monday

Saturday, September 27, 2008
For Cap'n Nels - Fagin's Promotion

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Totally Annoyed Thursday

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fagin Update
PS: If you have no seen the pictures of drugged Fagin that we posted last night, scroll down and see - they are too funny!
PSS: Billy- Fagin says we PLAY NOW?? PLAYPLAYPLAY!! YAY!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fagin's Home

Mancat Monday

One more thing - as you may know Fagin did prove himself on the adventuring for Meow Like a Pirate Day (go here to learn about it) so we have decided to promote him from Cabin Kitten to something else. Since today is such an auspicious day, we thought that we will surprise him with his new name and title when he gets home from his hoohaa-ectomy. Since Captain Jack is obviously the Captain and Sir Dante Barbossa is First Mate - we ask you kitties - what should Fagin be called??
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday Dare

On other news, we have accepted Karl's dare! Although our beans do lots for the enviroment - they recycle, use green household cleaners whenever they can, and Mommy even takes the commuter bus to work 5 days a week (and the bus runs on natural gas too) - they do one thing that we really love in the spring and fall - they turn off the AC and open all of the windows to cool the house! You see, we are kitties of a southern clime and its way too hot to open the windows and turn off the AC in the summer, but we do this every chance we get. In fact, this is the first weekend since late spring that we've done this and just look!!

*SIGH* How do you prepare a mini-mancat for their hooha-ectomy? Fagin's is Monday - should we warn him or just let it go and see if he notices anything after he wakes up??
Friday, September 19, 2008
Meow Like a Pirate Day

Thursday, September 18, 2008
More Bad News
Thursday Thirteen

Hope to see you hear, in the morning, as we sail towards are destiny!! Me'ARRRRRR!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tattle Tuesday
Monday, September 15, 2008
Pirate Kitties Unite!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008
For Pixie

Dear friends, if you can, please go and see Daisy and her Mom and let them know we are thinking of them.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Finally Friday

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours, and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated
Because we are feeling generous, we are going to let The Kid give this award out.
YAY! ME, the BRAVE FAGINATOR (one of Mommy's nicknames for me - its like the Terminator, but Faginized) wants to give this award to the Tuxedo Gang Hideout (of which both Captain Jack and Samwise are members), Katie Too, Billy Sweetfeets (Billy! PLAYPLAYPLAY! NOW!) and Gandalf and Grayson. Is that SEVEN? Did I give it away enuffs? Oh well - PLAY!! PLAY NOW kitties!! RUN and JUMP and ATTACK DANTE!! ME loves to ATTACK Dante. Its FUN!! YAY!! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Worried Wednesday

Apparently humans have a saying that "Bad things always happen in threes" and since we have lost two fuzzy children, she is afraid of there being a third. This is compounded by the fact that on September 22nd, little Fagin is going for his hoo-haa-ectomy. Because of scheduling and such, Aunt Susan will not be doing the procedure. Another V-E-T she referred Fagin to will be doing it. Although Mommy has talked to Aunt Susan before and knows that the procedure is very quick and very easy (it's why Aunt Susan recommended us out to this other, less expensive vet. If Fagin were a girl Aunt Susan would do it and we would pay the higher ER V-E-T clinic cost but Aunt Susan feels Dr. Amy can do it no probem), she is nervous. Can you kitties and beans give her some encouragement? She has actually considered canceling Fagin's appointment and then tells herself she is being silly and he needs to have it done. Poor Mommy! She just needs some reassurance that everything will be fine.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tabby Tuesday
Toby's trip to the Rainbow Bridge is a great story too. In the last years of her life, Toby wanted to go outside so Mommy and our grandbeans let her. She never left the fenced backyard and had her two woofies to protect her. She never came inside and lived happily in the yard. One day, when Toby was very old she did something she had not done in years - she asked to come inside. Mommy and the Grandbeans knew she was very old and sick and that she would soon go to the Bridge. Toby knew too because after she came in she stayed inside for two whole weeks and made it a point to sleep on everyone at least once. Then one night, Toby demanded to go outside. The next day Grandpa found her in the front yard (where she had not been in years) curled up under her favorite tree. Grandpa thought she was sleeping but when he got closer, he realized she had gone to the front yard on purpose so she could have her last moments on earth in her favorite place. It was truly a beautiful passing.
Mommy has lots of great memories about Toby and when our grandbeans and aunt and uncle came to our house last Saturday to help celeybrate Daddy's BD, she showed them this picture and they spents lots of time remembering Toby. Mommy says that she still loves her and knows that one day she will see her again and she will love to hear her purr again!! Happy Tabby Tuesday everyone!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sad News

Friday, September 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy Birthday Daddy!! We all love you very much!! YAY!!!
We hope every kitty, woofie, bean, bun - all of our friends - has a very good weekend. Mommy also wanted to thank all of you for your continud purrs and purrayers. We intend to lay on her all weekend so she is forced to rest! Have a good Friday!!! YAY!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mommy Update
We want to once again thank everyone for their purrs and their purrayers. We really think that they are helping Mommy to get better. Thank you everyone!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Tuxie and Tabby Cat Bathroom Tuesday

Here is Fagin showing off the sink area. Mommy found the blue candles in a box. She had bought them years ago - before any of us where even borned. We think they look very good in our cat bathroom. Daddy wants to change the hardware on the sink to match the patinaed bronze of the new towel bar and toilet paper holder. Above Fagin's head is a really pretty candle holder made to look like leaves. Mommy has two porcelin fairies that Daddy hung from the candle holder because he thought that fairies would want to hang out in a cat garden bathroom too.
This is the closet. It had an ugly door on it that never really fit right before, but when Mommy painted the shelves and saw how the bathroom looked with the closet door off, she decided to leave it off. The bottom shelf has new towels on it, the middle shelf has pretty decorations including Mommy's Hello Kitty basket (she finally found something to do with it). The picture says "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves for we will never cease to be amused." It's hard to tell in this picture, but in front of the picture is a crystal sleeping cat candle holder. Mommy says the top shelf is a work in progress. She wants to get three pretty wicker baskets for hidden storage.
Do you like the new bathroom? Mommy is very pleased with it! Oh, what is that? What were we doing while the beans were decorating?We were resting on the bed in the guest bedroom!! We know what to do on a holiday, sleep!!
PS: Mommy says to tell you that she is feeling better still, and is able to return to work today. She is not sure she will make it a full day but is glad for whatever improvement she can get. Thank you all for your continued good thoughts and wishes - it means a lot to all of us. And for those who were wondering about Uncle Dave's family in New Orleans - they all rode out the storm and they are all fine! Yay!!