Also, Lyra and Caesar tagged us for a meme! Here it is!
In this meme you have to tell everykitty 3 things that are new with you! Link it back to the kitty who gave it to you and Tigmuthep and pass it on to 3 more kitties you'd like to know more about!
1. Since Samwise has been not feeling well, we've been guarding him against Beaux. This means that we get to lay on the back of the couch while Sam spreads out on the cushions and Beaux gets the hardwood floor to lay on! hahahahaha!
2. Lately we've been insisting that we get to sleep on the big bed with the beans at night. Jack curls up around Mommy's ankles and Dante curls up around Mommy's shoulder. We let Samwise (since he is hurt) sleep next to Daddy but we get Mommy! A kitty has to stay warm and snuggling in January after all.
3. Our beans finally bought us new blinds for the big picture window in the living room. We had horizontal blinds before and we had to poke our heads through and hold down the blinds below us and such to look out before but now they bought vertical blinds for us because it makes it easier for us to look outside. We are very spoiled kitties.
Thanks again to everyone who sent their purrs and good wishes to Samwise. He is feeling much better and his owwie looks a lot better too!! We will take care of him and protect him from Beaux until he is completely healed!