First of all, we wanted to tell all of you kitties THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. Knowing so many of you care and are out there purring and purraying mean so much to us! We're going to get around to thank all of you in person, but it may be a few days because right now Mommy is just not up to helping us blog.
You see, Sunday Mommy woke up feeling pretty awful - she was coughing lots and really warm feeling when you laid on her. She was planning on going to the V-E-T first thing Monday morning by herself until about 4am when Daddy woke up shivering and sick. Yep, Mommy and Daddy are both sick. They were tested for flu and it came back negative but their V-E-T gave them lots of med-a-shun to help them. She also sent Mommy to the heart V-E-T because her hearts was beating really really fast. Mommy had pictures taken of her heart and had to wear these weird things on her chest for a whole day so they could monitor her. She goes back to see that V-E-T next week - Mommy has seen a lot of V-E-Ts lately.
The good news is Mommy's blood pressures are continuing to be good (she took some readings to her Cabin Boy V-E-T and she was satisfied with them) and she is not swelling at all since she is staying in bed lots more than she is on her feet. We hope that the good news continues, and that her blood pressures stay low and that the heart V-E-T finds nothing wrong. We is being good kitties and are taking turns laying on her so she stays in bed. Samwise dog is helping us too!! Its hard work being nursemaids for Mommy and Cabin Boy - especially since we has had no break since Thursday because Mommy has not been able to go day hunting - but we kitties think its worth it to make sure Mommy and Cabin Boy are healthy!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hanging in There
First of all, we want to thank all of you so much for your good thoughts and purrs and purrayers. It really does mean so much to us, to Mommy and to the Cabin Boy. Mommy has been resting lots and so far her blood pressures are still in the pre-hypertensive range where they need to stay and not go any higher. We're all helping out around here. Daddy is doing the laundry (something Mommy always does) and Samwise and Beaux are guarding her and scaring bad things off with their barks. And just look at what we are doing...

Daddy took this with his phone when Mommy laughed and called us her jailers. We is not her jailers, we is just making sure she and the Cabin Boy are not alone. So far we are doing this Mommy has to rest and relax thing pretty well. We are just purring and purraying that she can continue to have only borderline blood pressures so that she can work and not go on total best rest. We ask that you all keep purring and purraying kitties. We know that cat blogosphere purrs and purrayers are very special. We all saved Fagin and we know we can keep Mommy and Cabin Boy healthy too!!!
Daddy took this with his phone when Mommy laughed and called us her jailers. We is not her jailers, we is just making sure she and the Cabin Boy are not alone. So far we are doing this Mommy has to rest and relax thing pretty well. We are just purring and purraying that she can continue to have only borderline blood pressures so that she can work and not go on total best rest. We ask that you all keep purring and purraying kitties. We know that cat blogosphere purrs and purrayers are very special. We all saved Fagin and we know we can keep Mommy and Cabin Boy healthy too!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Purrs and Purrayers Needed

Kitties, we need your purrs and purrayers. As we've posted about before, we is having a new cabin boy in a few months. Right now the kitty is in Mommy's tummy and has been there for 21 weeks now - halfway to being borned. Well, Mommy went to the doctor yesterday and got some scary news. It seems her blood pressures are high and her ankles are swollen. The cabin boy V-E-T is concerned and has told Mommy that while she is allowed to go to work for now, if she is not at work she needs to be at home, resting with her feet up. She has to destress. She also has to monitor her blood pressures three times a day and do everything she can to keep it down. The V-E-T also told Mommy to let her work know that it probably will not be long before she is placed on total bed rest due to pregnancy induced hypertension and possible pre-eclampsia. All this could mean Mommy will have the cabin boy a lot earlier than she wanted. Mommy is afraid it will be too early - way too early.
Mommy is very scared as this is quite early for these problems to be popping up. She is afraid of losing our cabin boy. She is afraid of him being borned way too early and not making it or having lots of health issues. She is also worried about losing her job is she has to go on bed rest too early and day hunting gigs just are not easy to find. Of course, all of these worries are NOT helping her and are doing the exact opposite of what the doctor needs for her to do. Kitties, we need your purrs and purrayers. We know we has not been posting much and we are sorry, but we really could use some special cat blogosphere support right now. Thank you in advacne for your purrs and purrayers. We can use all of those we can get!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Finally Friday!!
Hey everykitty!! We has news on this Finally Friday. As most of you know our Mommy has a little alien in her tummy that we are told is a little kitten waiting to be borned. Captain Jack has even curled up next to Mommy's tummy and felt squirming in there. Its realy weird!! Well, on Wednesday Daddy took Mommy to the V-E-T to find out if its a boy kitty or a girl kitty and we are pleased to announce
Yep, it looks like we will have a new cabin boy on the Black Furrball sometime in November. It's a good thing we promoted FAGIN so that we have room from the new kitty on the ship! Have a great weekend everyone!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
#2 is Here!!!
He's here! He's here!!! Hendrix's #2 is here!!!

Joel William was born on Friday, July 10th at 8:36am. He weighed 7 lbs, 11.7oz and was 20 1/4" long.
Our Mommy just spoke to Hendrix's Mommy and she reports that Mommy and baby are doing great and are home tonight with Hendrix. Mommy says Hendrix's Mommy is doing so well that she does not sound as if she just had a baby.
Welcome to the world Joel!!!!! Congrats to Hendrix and family!! In the immortal words of FAGIN - YAY!!!!!!!!!
PS: Hendrix has already posted the great news too!! Please swing by his blog to offer concatulations too!!!
Joel William was born on Friday, July 10th at 8:36am. He weighed 7 lbs, 11.7oz and was 20 1/4" long.
Our Mommy just spoke to Hendrix's Mommy and she reports that Mommy and baby are doing great and are home tonight with Hendrix. Mommy says Hendrix's Mommy is doing so well that she does not sound as if she just had a baby.
Welcome to the world Joel!!!!! Congrats to Hendrix and family!! In the immortal words of FAGIN - YAY!!!!!!!!!
PS: Hendrix has already posted the great news too!! Please swing by his blog to offer concatulations too!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
We are so excited here at the Black Furball!!! WHY?? Because our adopted/honorary cousin cat Hendrix is going to be the brother kitty to a brand new baby bean tommorow!!!!!
As some of you know, Hendrix's Mommy and our Mommy have been friends for years and years - for even longer than Captain Jack has been borned!! They are pen pals that found each other in a magazine and developed a wonderfully close friendship from that. It is because of Hendrix and his Mommy that we get to blog now.
Today Mommy gave us some exciting news - Hendrix's Mommy has asked that we tell all of the blogging kitties and woofies and beans when #2 is borned tommorow!! YAY!!!! What this means kitties is to watch this blog (and the Cat Blogosphere page too) for the lastest news and hopefully pictures too!! YAY!!!
This is a big responsibility for us!! Because of that, we are not going to let FAGIN do the updating. We do not think the kitten could handle it and would crack under the pressure. FAGIN does not agree so Dante and Captain Jack are going to take turns sitting on him until we can get the news posted ourselves. We do not want to dissapoint our friend Hendrix!!
Until then, we just wanted to say that we are purring and purraying for Hendrix's Mom and #2 so that everything will go well. Perhaps if you kitties could purr and purray, even more good vibes would be sent to our beloved friends. We are sure Hendrix and his Mom and Baby would really appreciate it!!!!
As some of you know, Hendrix's Mommy and our Mommy have been friends for years and years - for even longer than Captain Jack has been borned!! They are pen pals that found each other in a magazine and developed a wonderfully close friendship from that. It is because of Hendrix and his Mommy that we get to blog now.
Today Mommy gave us some exciting news - Hendrix's Mommy has asked that we tell all of the blogging kitties and woofies and beans when #2 is borned tommorow!! YAY!!!! What this means kitties is to watch this blog (and the Cat Blogosphere page too) for the lastest news and hopefully pictures too!! YAY!!!
This is a big responsibility for us!! Because of that, we are not going to let FAGIN do the updating. We do not think the kitten could handle it and would crack under the pressure. FAGIN does not agree so Dante and Captain Jack are going to take turns sitting on him until we can get the news posted ourselves. We do not want to dissapoint our friend Hendrix!!
Until then, we just wanted to say that we are purring and purraying for Hendrix's Mom and #2 so that everything will go well. Perhaps if you kitties could purr and purray, even more good vibes would be sent to our beloved friends. We are sure Hendrix and his Mom and Baby would really appreciate it!!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Manic Monday
Heya kitties. Here at the Black Furrball, we've been laying low. This past week or so has been very traumatic in our house, and so far no kitty has been effected, but we is nervous. Here's let us tell you about it.
Last weekend, the last weekend in June, Mommy and Daddy discovered a HUGE hot spot on Beaux. It was HUGE, almost as big as his tail, and really painful for him. Mommy and Daddy had to sedate him and clean it and he had to take med-a-k-shuns for a whiles and wear the cone on his heads. He is better now.
Last Monday Mommy had to go to the human V-E-T at the human hos-bit-tal because her heart was beating really really fast and her bloods has lots of pressure and the alien's doctor was afraid something was wrong. She got lots of tests run, and they stole lots of her blood and she had wires going to everywhere she said and was in the ER for hours for Daddy. So long that Uncle Dave had to come over and feed us and lets the woofies out. Turns out Mommy had not dranken enough waters so her body was not happy. That force fed her waters (in an EYE VEE) and sent her home to rest and drinks more waters. She is better now. The alien is fine and is moving a lot now. We saw her tummy move for the first time yesterday (though Mommy says its been moving on the inside for a couple of weeks now) - there really is an alien in there!!!!!! Sammy, you might want to come check it out!!!
At work last Thursday, Daddy hurt his shoulder. Daddy said that he thinks he pulled a muscle in his shoulder at his night hunting place and he is feeling very owie. Poor Daddy. We are hoping he gets better soon or Mommy is going to make him go to the V-E-T --- and we don't mean Aunt Susan neither!!
Then on Saturday, July 4th, Mommy and Daddy came home from Uncle Dave's (Aunt Susan was at the V-E-T clinic) and Samwise was shaking a lot like he does when he is in pain. It took a while (humans is slow) but they finally realized Sam had hurt his front ankle, right above the little hobbit paw (Purrageous Mom: It was not swollen kitties, that is why it took us so long to figure out. We knew he was hurting but we did not know why because he is not limping or favoring the leg either. It truly was a mystery until he jumped off of the bed and let out a yelp). Mommy says Sammy a-sprain-ed it and now Aunt Susan says he has to take med-a-k-shun to make the owie go away.
As you can see kitties, it's been a scary week or so here at the Black Furrball. So far all of us kitties are healthy and happy (Thanks Baast and knock on woods) but we certainly are being cautious! Here is hoping that this week is a lot calmer than last!!!
Last weekend, the last weekend in June, Mommy and Daddy discovered a HUGE hot spot on Beaux. It was HUGE, almost as big as his tail, and really painful for him. Mommy and Daddy had to sedate him and clean it and he had to take med-a-k-shuns for a whiles and wear the cone on his heads. He is better now.
Last Monday Mommy had to go to the human V-E-T at the human hos-bit-tal because her heart was beating really really fast and her bloods has lots of pressure and the alien's doctor was afraid something was wrong. She got lots of tests run, and they stole lots of her blood and she had wires going to everywhere she said and was in the ER for hours for Daddy. So long that Uncle Dave had to come over and feed us and lets the woofies out. Turns out Mommy had not dranken enough waters so her body was not happy. That force fed her waters (in an EYE VEE) and sent her home to rest and drinks more waters. She is better now. The alien is fine and is moving a lot now. We saw her tummy move for the first time yesterday (though Mommy says its been moving on the inside for a couple of weeks now) - there really is an alien in there!!!!!! Sammy, you might want to come check it out!!!
At work last Thursday, Daddy hurt his shoulder. Daddy said that he thinks he pulled a muscle in his shoulder at his night hunting place and he is feeling very owie. Poor Daddy. We are hoping he gets better soon or Mommy is going to make him go to the V-E-T --- and we don't mean Aunt Susan neither!!
Then on Saturday, July 4th, Mommy and Daddy came home from Uncle Dave's (Aunt Susan was at the V-E-T clinic) and Samwise was shaking a lot like he does when he is in pain. It took a while (humans is slow) but they finally realized Sam had hurt his front ankle, right above the little hobbit paw (Purrageous Mom: It was not swollen kitties, that is why it took us so long to figure out. We knew he was hurting but we did not know why because he is not limping or favoring the leg either. It truly was a mystery until he jumped off of the bed and let out a yelp). Mommy says Sammy a-sprain-ed it and now Aunt Susan says he has to take med-a-k-shun to make the owie go away.
As you can see kitties, it's been a scary week or so here at the Black Furrball. So far all of us kitties are healthy and happy (Thanks Baast and knock on woods) but we certainly are being cautious! Here is hoping that this week is a lot calmer than last!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy July 4th!!

We hope everykitty and woofie out there gets some nummy food from the beans today and has safe places to hide from the fireworks. Our city had their boom boom boom fireworks last night so hopefully tonight will be somewhat quiet. Mommy and Daddy and Samwise are going to Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave's today but say they will be home early and bring us home some noms so yay!!! PAR-TAY!!!!
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