For this week's Thursday Thirteen, we have decided to tell you 13 things that you may not know about the members of our family!
1. Around our neighborhood, you often see members of Captain Jack's family. In fact, one day Mommy and Daddy were going out and were about half a mile from our house, when they saw what they thought was Captain Jack run across the road. Mommy jumped out of the car and tried to catch "Jack" only to find out that it was his twin who was apparently feral. We often leave cat food out for his family, in case they get hungry when they come by and say hello.
2. For a short time, when Daddy was waiting on our house to close, he and Samwise lived with Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave. Samwise still considers their home to be his as well and even has a special spot that is all his - it's on the back of the couch on top of a huge stuffed animal alligator. That alligator is called "Sammy's Gator" and he is the only furry allowed up there.
3. Dante thinks that Beaux should always live outside. When Mommy is trying to make Beaux go out (and he doesn't want to) she has watched Dante chase after Beaux whapping like crazy to run him out. Sammy Meezer would be so proud!
4. Beaux is very easy to teach tricks to. He has been taught to sit on command, to stay on command even when there is food in front of him, and he can catch treats and toys in the air. Mommy and Daddy are working on teaching "Lay Down" and want to teach him to play frisbee.
5. We have showed you some pictures of how well Daddy can cook and of the wonderful food he makes. Daddy actually learned to cook so well when he was in the Marine Corps. They even taught him how to make roses out of lemons, limes, and tomato skin and he can make Birds of Paradise out of apples.
6. Our Mommy has an obsession with Alice in Wonderland. She has multiple copies of the books, pictures, figurines, purses, clothes, etc. Our guest room is completely dedicated to her Alice collection. She is just slightly less obsessed with The Lord of the Rings.
7. Captain Jack is very demanding. He will meow and meow until he gets his way. He demands treats, food, water in his fountain, and to be let outside on the porch every day from the moment Mommy or Daddy come home from day hunting.
8. Samwise has been with Mommy and Daddy the longest so he gets some special privledges. He is always allowed to sleep on the bed with them and they often take him along when they go to visit friends and family.
9. Dante loves Daddy best. Mommy will pick him up to snuggle him but if Dad walks up Dante will just about throw himself out of Mommy's arms and into Daddy's. Thankkfully Daddy has always caught him.
10. Beaux is very quick and fast. Once we had a mousie in the house though the mousie was never anywhere that us kitties could get to. One night the mousie was outside and Beaux caught him. We never saw that mousie again though it did run off so we do not think Beaux killed it but just scared it off.
11. Daddy's father was in the military when Daddy was growing up so he has lived in lots of places - Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Alabama, Washington D.C and Okinawa, Japan. When Daddy got older and joined the Marines he was stationed at the Marine Corps base in Quantico.
12. Mommy works for the state government and often has to attend hearings and things at the state Capitol, especially during this time of year when the legislature is in session. She said last night that if she has to read many more bills she may go mad. Does that mean that she will yell a lot, cause she does that when she gets mad sometimes.....
13. Beacuse Mommy has been so busy at work lately, she has not had time to have our normal photo sessions. She was looking at some old picture and found this one that made her laugh:

She says it looks like Jack passed out in a Nip coma. He really wasn't passed out....we don't think.