Oh boy oh boy oh boy!! Beaux here and I am so excited because
Dana over at Tybalt's tagged me for my very first meme!! Mommy made the kitties help me to blog today so that I can fill it out. WOWOWOWOWOWOW! I am so excited!! Here I go!
1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was not borned yet as I am only about 4 1/2 years old. That was the estimate Aunt Susan gave to Mommy on my age when Mommy and Daddy rescued me from the really scary pound.
2. What are the 5 things on my to do list for today?
Sleep, Run, Dig at the fence, Bark really loud, guard the house, play with Samwise, play with Moppy and Reiley (neighbor dogs), eat food, eat snacks, drink water, chase kitties - is that more than five? I am not sure how many five is...
3. Snacks I enjoy:
Mommy says I have never had a food I did not like...you mean there are foods that I am not supposed to like? Because I eat everything and anything! I especially like meat and cheese and Beggin Strips!
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Take the fence in the backyard down so I could play with Moppy without having to dig under the fence to his side. And so I could run free all over the neighborhood! I love to escape and go exploring!
5. Three of my bad habits:
I play too rough with the kitties Mommy says. Also, I am a "digger dog" cause I dig under the fence to escape into the yard next door and play with my friend Moppy and to escape out in the neighborhood. Also, I have been known to ummm, "mark my territory" in the house. Mommy really hates that.
6. Five places I have lived:
Going from present to past I have lived with Mommy and Daddy, at the county pound which was awful, on my own in the streets and I am not sure where else. I was a young pup before Mommy and Daddy rescued me so I am unsure where I came from.
7. Five jobs I have had:
Job? Is this like what Mommy and Daddy do when they leave us during the week for the whole day? I do not do that - I am a spoiled puppy so I do not have a job.
Whew! That was hard work so I think I am going to lie down on the recliner and take a nap. When I wake up, I am going to go with Samwise and the kitties to a special secret party over at my friend
George's blog. It's her birthday today!! Come over and play if you can!