3. Snacks I enjoy:
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
5. Three of my bad habits:
6. Five places I have lived:

And here is LK 3. Like her sister, she is female and is actually the stronger of the two. She eats better though she will not say no to kittne milk. Mommy helped to feed her and says she eats like a pig! Both kitties are very very sweet and need good homes. If you know anyone who is interested, please let us know. We live right outside of Atlanta so definitely let us know if you are interested and in the area! Thanks!!
Can you guess what Daddy is doing in our backyard? Here's a hint - he did this because of the dogs who have free roam of the entire backyard. We'll tell you later this weekend what this is for.
Mommy has been shaking her head a lot at Daddy and his project. Mommy has a different idea as to what looks good to decorate the backyward with. This is what Mommy does to decorate:We like Mommy's decorating skills better. Cat wind chimes!! They sound pretty and have an image of the best and most wonderful creature ever! Don't you agree? Happy Friday Everyone!!
Yep, he had both Boogie Matts and would not give them back. I think the kitten may have a problem....Anyone know how to do a nip intervention?
Please purr and purray for Eight Belles and the people that love her. Mommy has been crying ever since last night over the beautiful horsie. She also found an article explaining why Eight Belles and even Barbaro (the horsie that broke his leg at the 2006 Preakness who later developed laminitis and had to be put down) have such very fragile legs. Apparently 75% of all thoroughbreds in America, and all 20 horsies that ran in the Kentucky Derby yesterday, are direct decendents of Native Dancer. Native Dancer's line has a tragic flaw. Thanks in part to heavily muscled legs and a violent, herky-jerky running style, Native Dancer and his descendants have had trouble with their feet (read the whole article here).
We know that many people think horseracing should be outlawed - that its a horrible bloodsport for the wealthy (we do not want to debate this here so if you want to leave such a comment, think again please. That has a time and a place and it is not here!). Please realize that for some, like Mommy, first and foremost there is a love for the horse. If it is allowed to continue we need more responsible breeding and all tracks should be required to have the new, safer surfaces to race on. Mommy does not know if she will watch horseracing any more - watching Barbaro was bad but the whole tragedy of Eight Belles has made it worse. Again, please purr for Eight Belles, her connections, her fans, and for those who love horses and horse racing. Yesterday was a hard hard day.
We know this is long - thanks for reading....