We have an update on Samwise. Last night when Mommy got home she felt a lump on the very top of his head and realized that some of his head furrs were matted with what appeared to be dried blood. Further inspection showed a head injury so Mommy and Daddy called Aunt Susan. Aunt Susan had the beans give a sedative to Sammy with some drugs they had leftover from when Beau was hurt and needed sedation. After he was sleepy, they were able to clean his head and cut the furrs really short so they could see what was going on. Sammy has a boo-boo, a puncture like wound on the top of his head that is just the right size to have been made by one of Beaux's teeth. Yep, when the doggies got into their fight, Beaux bit Samwise very hard on the head and hurt him.
The bad news is that the gash is infected and is oozing nasty stuff so Mommy will have to keep is wound clean. Aunt Susan called in some antibiotiks as well as pain medication for Sam so that should help lots. The good news is that Sammy is not acting hurt and the shivering and shaking has stopped so he is not in as much pain as before. He is still wanting to play and seems to be in good sprits. Thank you for your purrs and purryers - all of us really appreciate it. We are sorry that we are not getting around to all of our friends lately but Mommy has lots going on on top of the doggie illnesses. Please do not forget us pirates!!
Poor Samwise. :( That sounds nasty! We are glad that he doesn't seem to be in much pain, though. Purring for him to heal quickly!
Aw, that sounds like it hurts, but we're glad your Mommy found out what was wrong. We're also happy to hear that Samwise seems to be feelin' better!!
Thanks goodness you know what the problem is. I think an injury is much easier to deal with than an illness. And I am very glad that Samwise is feeling better.
We are glad Samwise is feeling a little better and hope the antibiotics work quickly.
We're so glad to hear that it's something relatively easy - Samwise will be back at it in no time!
Jack - I'll take care of the Reporting while since your mom's busy! - Bert
Dear Dante, if you're not getting enough attention because of Samwise feel free to teleport over!
Purrs, Pearl
I'm glad it isn't anything super serious. I am sure Sam will be better before you guys know it!
Capt'n Jack
I'll be right over and we can purr together for Samwise. I think he is going to be good as new, and I am so glad he is feeling better.
Your special lady pirate
Miss Boo
Bad Beau, to hurt Samwise like that. Purrs to the woofie and I hope he feels better soon. Don't worry Pirates, we won't forget you!
We are glad Samwise is getting better. We hope too that your mommy's week gets better.
Poor Samwise. I am glad that he is going to get get better though.
I am so glad that Samwise is better!
You guys have had quite the problems with the woofies in the last week or so!
We're very glad that your mom found that wound and that it's now clean and he's taking antibiotics. It sounds like Samwise is definitely starting to feel better,
Still purring for him,
Gypsy & Tasha
I hopes you feeling better soon Samwise. Sores always feel yucky for a while - sending you warm summer purrs.
Sorry you have an owie Samwise. We're glad you're already feeling a bit better. Mom kisses sometimes helps too.
I am glad right now you know the real problem~! I believe Samwise will be better in very soon!
Happy to hear Samwise is on the mend!
We're sorry ta here that Sammy got hurted and shivery. We hope he feels all better soon...
Awwwww pur Sam. Makes sur wen yoo gets bettur yoo give dat Beau a big whap on his head! Ooo, bettur yet let Captain Jack do it (he can runs away faster and gets unner stuffs to hideys, hehehe).
Still Purrrrrrrins fur yoo
Poor Samwise. At least the beans were able to figure out what the problem was and it didn't go undetected any longer.
Feel better Samwise!! We are purring for you.
Thank you for the update on Samwise. We hope that his ouchie heals up quick. Sending lots of purrs and purrayers your way!
Poor Samwise. We hope he'll be feeling better soon.
How could we ever forget you guys? Just the other day Mom thought about you when she saw a "Pirates of the Caribbean" lamp at a store!!
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