Monday, November 3, 2008

Mancat Monday

All good mancats enjoy spooky things and this year, we really liked all of the pumpkins that our beans and our humans friends carved. Our Daddy carved the haunted house one in the middle and our friends (Uncle Dave, Aunt Susan, Uncle Mikey, and Uncle Mark) carved the others. Mommy did not carve one this year because she decided she would rather cuddle with us that day. But Mommy did do other Halloweeny and spooky things this year. Just look!!

Once again this year Mommy was the good witch in the graveyard at Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave's house. Basically she stands at the end of the driveway and hands out candy to the kids who are too afraid to walk to the Wicked Witch (our friend Lynne) at the top of the driveway. Aunt Susan said every witch has to have a cat so Mommy carried this little stuffed guy around and pronounced that it looked just like Fagin! Wasn't she an excellent good witch? We wonder if she got to ride around on a broom like Tybalt's sisfur Holly does.....


The Meezers or Billy said...

that looks like fun! our mommy standed out in the front yard too so that the doorbell would not scare us


The Island Cats said...

Them are cool pumpkins! And we're glad to hear your mom was a good witch and not a bad witch!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! What great pumpkins!!!


Wowza those were fabulous pumpkins, I wish my Momma was so talented. Your Momma looked wonderful as the 'good' witch and we bet she had a fun time and it was so thoughtful of her not to having you, Dante or Fagin afraid...

purrs and headbumpies
your devoted lady love
Miss Boo

PB 'n J said...

Those pumpkins are super! We were under the bed all night, but we did come out late - we should have made Mommy pass out candy away from the door, that would have been smart!

My darling Dante,
I would love to come ofur and snuggle in a sunbeam today! We had a big rain storm last night, and I wouldn't come in right away, so I need some drying out!
Purrs and nosekisses,
Your Black Pearl

Anonymous said...

You Momma makes an excellent witch, and even more so coz of the little kitty!!
There are so many neat looking pumpkins I can see why the kids may have been afraid hehe
What fun you must all have had! :)


Sunny's Mommy said...

The carved pumpkins are impressive! Your Mommy does make an excellent good witch! She's so pretty :-) I don't see her broom but maybe the wicked witch shared with your Mommy ;-)

Anonymous said...

The mom wowed over da pumpkins, she isn't that talented.

Da stuffed kitty does look a wee bit like Fagin we fink.

Jimmy Joe said...

Your momma is a very nice witch! Our pumpkins aren't nearly as fancy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our mom din't dress up but she did sit outside (all bundled up) so dat da kids wouldn't ring da doorbell and make us all hide unner da bed.

Motor Home Cats said...

Those pumpkins look like fun. Mom helped the sticky kids in the house carve pumpkins this year. Your mom makes a very good nice witch. We thought your mom really was carrying Fagin at first.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Looks like everyone had fun! Your Mom makes a great good witch!