It has a peach on it because we live in Georgia and apparently Georgia is known as the "Peach State". We've never eaten peaches but Mommy says they are good. We have to tell you what Fagin did last night kitties- he had a whole half of a cheeseburger all on his own and without permission. He stole it off of the counter and NOM-NOM-NOMed it before anyone could take it away from him! Silly kitty!!
What Fagin and you didn't invite us to enjoy the hamburger? Oh Capt'n Jack what are we gonna do with him?
*clappin paws*
Yahoo get out the vote...
Purrs and headbumpies
Your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
way to go Fagin!!!!
Fagin, fank you for coming ofur and making Billy feel better and sharing your cheeseburger!!! Hopefully Billy will feel like doing PLAYPLAYPLAY later! - Miles
I voted :-D
Congratulations to Fagin on stealing that cheeseburger!!
Our mom voted...it took her 45 minutes total! Now let's see who wins!
At 10:30 when the Woman finished voting they were out of voting stickers. How wrong is that? Of course she didn't vote for me either... so that was even more wrong...
Oh Fagin, you are very naughty : ) Was it good, was it worth being naughty for? I don't care much for bean food, except for Digestive Biscuits - I LOVE those and I will whap them out of Mum's hands when she has them.
You know what is funny? Our part of British Columbia is known for peaches! It seems everything around here is called peach something....Peachland, Peachtree....
Way to go Fagin! Yoor beans too. Mom walked to da voting place this morning, waited 10 minits, voted, and den walked home. Dad on da other hand kept saying he'd go "in a little while" until mom sed "I'll drive yoo over there" 2 p.m. he finally got der...mom treated him to a sugar free candy bar fur voting.
The result is coming~~
We voted! And we are thrilled!
FAGIN!!! COME OFUR!! ME has to go to the v-e-t at 7:30 tonight!! ACCKKKK!!!!! - Billy
WHAT?! Fagin got a half a cheeseburger?
Mom, I never got a half a cheeseburger and Fagin is much younger than me! This is completely unfair.
Max S.
Yea for your mommy voting!!
MOL - Fagin can haz Cheezeburger!
Yay for the Purrageous Parents for voting! Mommy and Daddy walked to their polling place and voted too!
Dearest Dante,
Now that all the silly bean voting is over, purrhaps you'd like to teleport over and we can enjoy the last of our indian summer! There are tons of mousies to hunt in the garden!
Purrs and Nosekisses,
Your Black Pearl
Wow, Fagin ate half a cheeseburger on his own?!? That's pretty impressive. He must have inhaled it to not get caught.
Mom voted, but her sticker looked like Daisy's, not like yours. We think we like yours better. MoTavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jadem didn't have to wait at all tho. There wasn't anyone at her polling place.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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