Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day

In the United States, it is Veterans Day today - a day to honor all of those brave men and women who have served in the US Military. And just look at what Mommy found for us to put on the bloggie today:

It is a picture of our Daddy when he was in the Marine Corp a long time ago. He was just 19 and right out of boot camp. Daddy comes from a military family and that means that his father served in the Air Force, his brother and himself were both Marines, and both of his sisters served at least some time in the Army. Mommy says that her family was not so military because only Grandpa served in the Navy.

We want to say thank you to all of the veterans who have guarded us and protected us. We hope that you enjoy your day.


Mr. Hendrix said...

A big Thank You to your daddy for being one of the brave men and women who have protected and served! He certainly looked handsome in his uniform!

My beans made it back. Mommy only thought of climbing the Cinderella castle and throwing herself off of it about 100 times, but she made it. They drank in all 11 countries in Epcot last Thurs. That helped.

Fagin, please don't worry about Santa Paws. I have an evil alter ego and I still get presents. I think, especially for little kitties, he is very lenient on "bad" behavior. He actually calls it "naughty" not "bad." Don't worry Fagin, I'm sure you'll have piles of presents under the tree. PS wait until you see the tree!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A very nice tribute to your father and also to the country

Daisy said...

Happy Veterans day! And thank you to your dad for his brave service to our country.

Anonymous said...

We fanks yer dad fer being brave and helpin out to protects us!

Anonymous said...

You Daddy is just a pup in that photo! Very handsome! Is there anyone more handsome than a Marine in uniform? OK, maybe a Navy Pilot. or a... Please thank your Daddy for his service! We are grateful to all the brave men and women who have served to keep us free.

PB 'n J said...

What a fun picture - three cheers for all our men and women in green (and your Daddy)!

My sweet Ginger ManCat,
I know that you're probably snuggling with your Mommy today, but purrhaps you'd like to come over tomorrow - it's due to rain and storm and we could snuggle and watch the rain drops fall.
Purrs and headbumpies,
Your Black Pearl

Anonymous said...

Your dadda was so young!
On My bloggie post for remembrance day I has a song.. "I waz only 19"

We will remember them


Tesla and Hansel said...

thank you so much for thinking of tesla during our hard time! We're still not completely better, but we're on the right track! thank you so much!