Monday, November 10, 2008

Mini Mancat Monday

Heya kitties, it's ME! Fagin!! YAY!! I got the bloggie today because I have a question for all of you big cats out there.You see, yesterday as we were relaxing in bed on Sunday morning I saw that Mommy's new book had this REALLY FUN BOOKMARK hanging out of it. I reached over to grab it and realized it was SO FUN to ATTACK!!! It has this tassel that was fun to whap and PLAYPLAYPLAY with! YAY!!! PLAYPLAYPLAY!

But then, I heard this: "You had better be good Fagin and not lose Mommy's place. Santa Paws is coming soon and he only brings treats and toys to good kitties and buns and woofies."

Kitties, who is this Santa Paws? Mommy says he brings treats and toys but when and how? And why only to good kitties and buns and woofies? How does he know when we is bad and when we is good? Did he see all of those times when I attacked Dante or what about when I stole that cheeseburger and NOMed NOMed NOMed it? Me wants treats and toys - Fagin likes FOODS and TOYS - but what if he does not like me and does not come? What if he brings Captain Jack and Dante things, but does not bring me anything?? What if he is mean?!?! I think Fagin is scared now kitties - this Santa Paws person sounds really scary!!!!! Is he??!?! Should I try to find a way to keep him from coming? What should Fagin do?!?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

Santa Paws is a good guy Fagin.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I agree with Sophia~!
Don't you worry about Santa Paws!
Just play play play and be a good boy!

Phoebe said...

Keep up the good kitty feistiness and Santa will visit. You're a cute kitty!

The Meezers or Billy said...

ME doesn't know who santy paws is eifur Fagin, but the mom lady person saided that if you're cute and good 80% of the time, Santy paws will bring you treats and toys and stuff. well, you're cute and you're mostly good so you should be ok. If you don't get treats and stuff you can come ofur and kick my mom lady person for lying.


Anonymous said...

We think you are so darn kyoot that Santa Paws will even bring you extra toys and foods, Fagin!

We love playing with Mom's bookmarks, too! When she is reading, she lets us play with it!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh boy Fagin! He will bring you great gifts even if they threaten you that he won't!

The Island Cats said...

We think Santa Paws will excuse some of our "bad" keep doing what your doing, Fagin, because we think overall you are a good kitty! And Santa Paws sees that too!

Anonymous said...

Santa Paws is not a bad bean! He lubs all furrys (even if we has been a bit bad!).

PB 'n J said...

Santy Paws is awesome Fagin - and don't let those beans tell you about being good. Our Mommy tried pulling that line and we were really good and he came - then another year we sort of forgot about being good and he came anyway! So just be your cute old self and you'll be fine!

My Sweet Dante,
I'll be right over my love - it's insanely chilly here today so a snuggle with you and some temptations sounds like a purrfect day!
Purrs and Nosekisses,
Your Black Pearl

Daisy said...

Fagin, he knows when you've been sleeping. He knows when you're awake! He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness' sake! But do not worry. I think playing hard counts as being good! So Santa is sure to bring you good stuff!


Don't you worry Fagin, Santa Paws is a furry nice bean and he always brings wonderful things. This year you will learn all about Santa and I think you will be happily surprised!

Oh Capt'n Jack I would like nothing better than to snuggle up with you....

Your devoted lady love
Miss Boo

Chance said...

You have to ask your Mommie to write a letter to Santa Paws and have her tell him what a good kitty you are. Then you can ask him for all kinds of presents and treats! I had my Mommie do that for me last year and that's when I got my Nip Nanner. It's the bestest toy ever. Except Little Imp stole it from me last week. Maybe I will ask Santa Paws for a new one. Hmmmmm....

Cafe Cats said...

Santa Paws? Oh! I am scared too!

Bebe said that Grand-Mimi always has toys from Santa Paws at her house, so maybe it be ok. I hope Bebe lets me play with her toys if Santa Paws knows if I been bad. :-(

Sunny's Mommy said...

Santa Paws is not mean. I'm sure he will make allowance for normal young mancat playfullness ;-) I don't think you have any need to worry, Fagin.

Anonymous said...

Do not worry little Fagin! I woz just like you last year and he still came..
I thinks when he is looking for naughty and nice, he is looking for really naughty peoples like bad ones.. so you iz very very safe :)


Just Ducky said...

Be good for goodness sake Fagin. Santa Paws is watching but he is a cool dude.

Black Cat said...

Santa Paws is very kind and I don't think he minds a bit of kitty naughtiness, so don't worry Fagin:) xxx

Anonymous said...

Whoever told you that about Santa Paws was just trying to scare you away from your new toy. Don't take the bait!

Anyway, when I play with human things my human says I am a Good Cat, so you can remember that for when you need it.

The Crew said...

OK Fagin, this is the way it works. This Santa guy brings presents to good kitties. But don't worry about any of the naughty stuff you did before, 'cause Santa was busy making toys at the North Pole and there's a good chance he didn't see you doing any of that stuff anyway. But from now on, you try to be good, at least until he comes, then you don't have to! It's only for a few more weeks, and believe me, it's worth it!!

Your friend

Niko and Cloud said...

We don't know who Santa Paws is, but MomBean says that there is someone named Sandy Claws who comes by and giffs presents. It must be a cat who lives on the beech.

We are scared too. Do you think trying to send faxes, repeatedly checking the answering machine, refusing to leave from in front of the fridge when opened, and attacking books while they are being read qualifies as bad enough to not get prezzents?