Hey kitties! Happy Monday to everyone. We had a very busy weekend here at the Black Furrball - let me show you how me, Fagin, the Mini Mancat helped out!!

This is a picture of our guest bathroom. Mommy took it to show everyone the cat shower curtain that is in there. Yes, the whole bathroom is cat themed - Daddy calls it Mommy's bathroom beause only Mommy would have a cat bathroom. However, there is one thing Mommy hates about her cat bathroom....

The COLOR! Its an awful, seizure inducing bright yellow. Mommy's least favorite color on earth is yellow. The previous owners of our house painted it this color and Mommy and Daddy had not gotten around to changing it - til this weekend. Yep, we painted the bathroom and me, Fagin the Mini Mancat helped them lots!!

One thing I learned about painting is that its messy! Daddy got sheetrock mud dust everywhere first (to patch any holes or imperfections in the wall) and then had to clean it up. I helped out! See? Here I am playing with - I mean inspecting - the paper towels that they used to clean with..

And here I am attacking - I mean inspecting the ceiling for further messes. I did it laying down on my back and upside down so I would not srain my neck. Also, the laser eyebeams helped illuminate any dirt that I needed to clean.

After cleanind, Daddy put down a drop cloth to catch any paint spills. I helped here to but holding down the drop cloth while Daddy gor ready to paint. I think I did a great job too!! Mommy and Daddy are not quite done with the bathroom but here is what the new color will look like.

The color is called Shark Loop and is a very pretty blue grey. We'll post more pictures of the cat bathroom when Mommy and Daddy are completely done with it. I think its pretty so far!!
Fagin, you are a kitty after my own heart. Look how well you handle the paper towels. I know your Beans were ever so grateful that you were there.
You could have taken the next step and shredded some paper towels, just in case of a spill or something.
Hee hee, we are all laughing at the "seizure-inducing bright yellow". I think the shark color is a much better choice.
Faith Boomerang
I am most impressed with all of the help and assistance you gave your Mommie and Daddy while they painted their bathroom. We can't wait to see how you helped decorate it...
Miss Boo
Pee Sss
Fank you for your kind words about Ping. We had not considered that this is a holiday weekend. All of us are so worried about Ping that is all we could think of. The only bad thing we feel about our Vet is that they are nearly an hour away from us and it's hard to get us all up to them.
Oh Captain Jack I do need some paw holding. I am so upset about Pingie leaving and he was so distressed.
Your devoted lady love
It looks like you are doing a great job of helping out, Fagin! The new color is very pretty. Purrrs!
Mom says that's a gorgeous color!
Fagin, you did such a good job snoopervising! It's an important part of being a ManCat. We love the new color, can't wait to see more!
Oh, it looks much nicer already! And I do not think they could do the job without all of your good help, Fagin.
oh great color choice! What else would Pirate kitties need then Shark colored paint!!
Fagin! what a great helper you are. i can tell your beans could not have done such a great job without you. that is a great color! we love the curtain and can't wait to see the bathroom all done.
That new colour sounds spooky but looks great!!!
You are such a little helper, Fagin and growing so quick!
Great snoopervisions!!
You are really becoming a first rate Pirate. Be sure to watch the beans when they finish up the job, you just never know when beans are gonna do somethin' silly.
Mine mombean sez that you will have the besterest bathroom in all of the state! Oh, and she loves the shower curtain.
Great snoopervising Fagin, what would yoor beins do wifout yoo! We sugjest yoo do as Faith Boo sez and shred some paper towels and spred dem around just in case of a woopsie.
Great job Fagin!!!!!!!! You will be a great Mancat!!!!!! Woot!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I hope the ginger cat shower curtin will stay!
Hey! WE need a cat themed bathroom!
Mom agrees that yellow is a disgusting color unless it is on a cat. We like the grey color much better, and it looks like you did a fabulous job of helping Fagin. Its a shame that all do-it-yourselfers don't have a Fagin helper around.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We like the new bathroom color - I know you probably picked that out, too, didn't you, Fagin? :)
Good thing you were there to help!
Fagin, you are such a good helper! Mommy says next time she wants to paint, she is calling you to help her! Umm...Mommy LOVES yellow, but she agrees that particular shade of yellow is pretty yucky! The new color is very nice! A kitty bathroom. Are you allowed to use it?
Fagin, you are extremely helpful! What would they do without you?!
Oh how purrty! You did a wunnerful job of helping out too!
Luf, Us
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