Oh no, it cannot be. I am just not ready for it. Captain Jack, please say it is not so!!

I am just going to lie here and not open my eyes. If I do not open my eyes, it won't be true - it won't happen.

Sorry kitties, it is. It's Monday. I hate Mondays. Mommy, look at me. Aren't I cute lying on the bed. Don't you want to stay here with me instead of going day hunting. Please? Sigh! When does Friday come again?
Believe me, I feel the same way. *sigh*
We hate Mondays too. Why are Mom's always so bizzy on Mondays? Not good, I tell you. Not good.
your bud Pepi
Mondays are so not fun. I am sorry they come so early in the week...
Captain Jack
I think we ought to work on abolishing Mondays! *whew what a party this weekend!
It was so much fun my dear darling and I enjoyed sailing the warm seas with you!
Purr and Headbumpies
Your adoring and devote lady love
Miss Boo
You all look very cute! It's too bad that our humans have to go day hunting.
I'm totally with you guys. Remember, your beans want to go to work even LESS than you want them too. Stoopid stinky Mondays.
Mommy has started her letter to your mommy! she can't wait to hear what your mommy's gossip is
Our beins no longer do Mondays...for us it is just another day! We wish all da kitty mom's (and dad's) could stay home wif all of yoo...
Mondays are not fundays. It's best just to nap through them.
I think Monday should be taken out of the week. Its a bad day.
Mondays can be very tough :-/
Fagin, you are really getting big!
We hate Mondays too, but Mom told us some really good news today. Mom said that she only has to work 2 days this week. We are soooo excited (we think she is too). We hope your week gets better. Mondays are always the worst.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
YUCKY MONDAY! Can we FF to the weekend?
I feel for you guys! Have a big, big nap and demand some extra treats!
purrs, Shade
I hear you, friends. Mondays bite.
I think you can sleep directly to the weekend, then... it's weekend again.
That's what my mom's been saying. She came home and fell asleep again. Now she's back up, but her eyes are all squinty.
Oh, Mondays are not fun....but it is Tuesday today! Hopefully it will be a great one for you all!
Mondays are always hard, especially when you are still recovering from Dante and Kellie's great party.
onday id Tuesday is almos Wedsday! Time ta wake up... Chase toys, bay Bein fets an eat loud in middle of the night/ MOL!
WAKE UP DUDES! Kitties are being invited ta Dantes Birfday Party an aint noffing happenin yet!
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