Hey kitties and woofies and buns and beans. Are you ready for the most fabulous birthday party ever? Dante's third birthday is Saturday so we have decided to throw him a party on Friday the 20th and it will last thru Saturday the 21st (his actual birthday). You are all invited!!

We're going to have Dante's party on our special Carribean island that only us pirate kitties know about. The party will start about 9am when we will begin ferrying party guests to the island via The Black Furball.

On the island will we have swimming, fishing, beach combing, sunbeam bathing, sand castle building, and of course food, food and MORE FOOD! Also, we will have a very special guest with who Dante will share the title of birthday honoree at the celebration. Can you guess who it is? Don't tell her if you do know who it is because its a surprise!! We hope to see everyone there!!!
Woohoo, another party! Sounds like it's gonna be a blast...wunner who da speshul gest could be?
Hello Chaps
Nice Island you have there and it looks as though it is going to be a magnificent party well worthy of Captain Jack. Hope you have a great time my friends
Best wishes
Oh it's gota beez Kellie!!!! I justee bets its her.
Party! Party! Party! And guess what? I have a special outfit to wear on Friday that will be very appropriate... I can't wait!
Sounds like a great party! I want to say Happy Birthday right now so I'm not late sayin' it!
Happy Purrthday Dante! I wont's be around on Friday or Saturday to celebrate but I hopes you and every one has a greats time!
Wow! Another party! This will be a busy party weekend!
Wow! Your own Carribean Island? You pirates really know how to live!
Oh boy!!! This sounds good!!!!! Can't wait to play on a private island!!!!
Purrs Mickey
We'll be there! Sounds like a great party!
Your FL furiends
Wowww....party party party~!!!!
Sounds very exciting!!!
Happee purthday!!
Frum da Katie Katz Gang
do you knoh dis song, "We are the pirates who don't do anything... we just sits around and do nothing at all... ifn's you ask us to do anything... we'll tell you... We don't do anything!!"
Sounds great! I will try ta be there...
Yeah Baby
I wouldn't miss this for anything. I can't wait until tomorrow. I'm gonna start grooming my furrs right now so I can look extra special for Captain Jack!!!!
Your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
Oh, this is going to be fun! How many naps is it until Friday?
Bendrix and I are here! Our first party of the weekend. We love private pirate parties. Bendrix is ready to swing from the sails already.
Dante, can I get you a niptini to start with??
PS Mommy wanted me to tell your mommy that things were actually pretty good!
We can hardly wait - we're all so excited! Does the special kitty look just like the birthday boy!?
Sweet Dante, I'll be there early to help the Purrageous Mom lay everything out (Mommy always says it's good to be helpful). I'm sure there are just platter after platter of food to be carried and all the niptinis will need to be chilled...
See you soon!
Your Black Pearl
P.S. Could you tell Beaux that George is going to come early too, if she can figure out which bandanna to wear (she can't decide between the pink kitty one or her red one - does Beaux have a favorite color?)!
Gosh Dante, we can't wait for your party. Between your feast and Othello's bachelor party, we won't be able to move afterwards!
We don't know who the "special guest" is!
Looks like Dante is going to have a great birthday!
Sounds exciting!! I bet it'll be soooo much fun. Congrats to Dante on his third purrfday!
Hippy hoppy, huppy happy!!
Happy happy birthday! :)
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