Hello kitties! Captain Jack here. It's time for our next piracy lesson - this one will help you to develop your hiding skills. Hiding skills are very important to any pirate cat as they can mean the difference between getting away with the crime and getting caught red pawed! For me, it also means the ability to avoid annoying, hyper demon kittens who never want to leave you alone!! So here we go!

Your assignment is to find YOUR special hiding place. Some kitties do not realize the vital importance of having that one hiding spot that no one knows about other than you (and maybe your Mommy). Trust me kitties, its well worth the work to find this special place. Take this room for instance. This is actually our smallest guest room that Daddy converted into Mommy's closet (we have a small house with limited closet space and Daddy soon realized that he would not have anywhere to store his clothes unless he did something so he made Mommy her own walk in closet). Do you see a kitty anywhere in here? No, I bet you don't. Why is that?

Because I am just that good at hiding! What can I say, they do not call me "The Captain" for just any reason! Yep, this is one of my very special hiding spots. I go in here when I need to relax and be left alone. And I can cuddle with Mommy's sweaters and clothes and old stuffed animals and be all warm and comfy. No kittens allowed!
"But Captain!" you might say. "You just gave away your special hiding spot! Now Fagin will be able to find you." Never fear kitties. When I tell Fagin I am going to the closet, he has no idea I mean my special hiding spot in Mommy's closet room because I taught him that my special room is called "the guest room." He thinks Mommy's closet is actually the master bedroom closet. Hahaha! Take that as a lesson in deception kitties. Sometimes, you must plan your hiding places well in advance -say when they first move the little kitten menance into the house!

Yep, there's definitely a reason I am the Captain. I hope you enjoyed your lesson....Now, I am going back to sleep to dream of my Pirate Lady Love.......
Sammy is good at hiding, so much so that he makes mommy cry when she has to spend 4 hours looking for him.
Captain Jack
This is just one more thing we have in common. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Momma's closet. It is really MY closet too because Momma let's me go in there and snoop around and she will even let me get up on the racks and lay inbetween so that I am hiding between each level. She has lots and lots and LOTS of shoes, and *amen* I admit I am a shoe girl too. I snuggle all over Momma's shoes and when she takes out a new pair I have to inspect them for her.
OH Captain I would be most happy to accompany you over to Sammy's to wish him a happy Purrday and we hopes efurryone else will stop in and wish Abby's boyfriendcat a very happy Purrday too...it's Sammy Meezer's purrday today and he's four!
Purrs and Headbumpies
Your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
Excellent hiding spot, Captain!
That is an excellent lesson Captain Jack! We can harley ever get in Mom's closet because it's always shut, although we have on occasion snuck into our Nana's closet. Sometimes our Nana forgets to close hers! But when that happens it takes them hours and hours to find us. So we think that means it's a good spot, don't you?
That is a furry good lesson to teach!
That is also an awesome hiding spot, I has to learn more hiding spots arounds here now.
That is a brilliant move on your part, Captain. I have a great hidey place in Momma's closet, too. But then she's always saying, "Come out of the closet, JJ!" and laughing. I don't get it.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
You always have some great lessons and advice. I have learned how to open the bi-fold doors on my Mommie's closet and sneak in there all the time now!
Excellent Pirate Lesson Captain Jack! We'll have to give that a try! Though both Bert and I are excellent at hiding.
My sweet Pirate ManCat,
Of course I would love to come down and share a sunbeam with you! The storms are mostly over for now, but there was a little time when we spent a little time in the basement (just in case). But by this afternoon it should be nice again (and Mommy and Daddy are coming home tonight - wahoo!).
Purrs and head bumpies,
Your Pirate Princess Pearl
Um, Captain Jack, do the Purrageous Pups hide there too? I'm just asking, cause I haven't seen Beaux in a while - oh and Samwise too.
what a great hider! i didn't see you at all. you're also good at fibbin adn i like that too. that is why you're the Captain! i'm sure you do need a break from little cabin boys.
i wish i had a great closet like that. mommy hates when i hide. she gets all freaked out. sometimes i just can't help it tho...
mommy promises to write your mommy back right after Father's Day. she should have some good stories after that...
Last nite I kooda used sum pirate lessins on whare to hide my ill gotten booty. Our food and water got taken up and we had nuthin all nite cuz Tenny went for her hernia operayshun today. So when I got hungree I stole a bag of beef jerkey...but we dragged it in whare Mommy wuz sleepin. So when Tenny tore it open it made a big rackit. Mommy woke up and took it away! I'm not much of a pirate I gess.
A good hiding place is very important!
Captain Jack, that is a great hiding spot. We have a couple of those, but are going to have to come up with some new ones in our new house. Mom couldn't find Cody this morning when she went to check on him, and he was hiding on the closet shelf.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I love my secret hiding spot, its such an important thing to have!! An extra room as a closet...how brilliant! We have a small house too and the closets are tiny an the Woman has like acres of clothes and shoes.
Har har! Aye, that be a great pirate hidey hole, Cap'n! And you be furry devious tricking your little brother, I mean the cabin boy!
Captain Jack,you're good!!!!!
Really good!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
That's a great spot! I don't think I really have a hidey spot, come to think of it ...
Thanks for sharing your younger Fagin's playing condition to me, I think I gonna practice and train him harder~!
And yes, Captain, this is a very good hiding spot, I do have some very special hiding spots in the closet, too. Sometimes it makes Michico crazy to find me as well@
I tired hiding in the dryer once. Man, MomBean can hollar...
What a great lesson! We LOVE to hide from Mommy....but she always finds us....thank goodness!
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