Sometimes, humans are just hard to understand. Take last night for instance. We were downstairs hanging with Dad when we found some nice warm spots and decided to nap. We were all sleepy and happy and warm when suddenly Mom came downstairs, shrieked and said "I gotta get the camera!" Sigh.

Here is the first picture she took. As you can see, we were both so surprised by her screaming and excitement that we turned on our laser eyebeams before we realized there was nothing to shoot with them.

Yes yes, we are sleeping Mom. We actually sleep here a lot. The computer is warm so Fagin lays on top of it behind the monitor and the fan from the computer puts out a lot of warm air so Captian Jack lays on the back of the couch in front of the CPU fan. She said we looked "so cute." We thought we just looked asleep.

Why do the humans wake you up when you are right in the middle of a squirrel hunting dream? Do you think that my big yawn was enough of a hint for Mom to leave us alone?

No, she kept taking pictures. I advised Fagin to just ignore her and try to go back to sleep, because eventually she would get bored and go away. We are not sure how long it took her to go away because we fell asleep again. All we know is she was gone when we got hungry and woke up several hours later.
Yeah, what IS it with Mom's and wakin' us up all the time for pictures?
Yep, humans do seem obsessed with taking photos of us! Of course, you guys do look very cute in those photos.
Oh you are so very right about the waking up (Mommy always wakes me up when I'm sleeping on my back trying to cool my belly)!
Hello Beaux, I have something special for you on my bloggie! Perhaps I'll see you at Dana's Birthday party, I may not go because I'm a bit embarrassed about my new hair cut.
Jack your yaw is so great!!! I get so sick and tired of pictures but they never go away.
Cap'n Jack that is a really great yawn! You'd think that a good yawn would tell the mombean to leave us alone, but nooo.
Fagan, you is growing up to be a fine mamcat! Mine mombean is always happy to see you.
we are learning to just ignore her immediately so that she cannot get good pikshurs. that really doesn't work too well
FAGIN!!! PLAY?????
I will be making a law when I am president about waking the cats for PHOTO shots.
As long as you all keeping looking so cute like that, the pictures will just keep coming!
The only thing good that comes of that is the evil laser eye pictures. Anyway, how many pictures of sleeping cats do they need?
My Dashing ManCat,
Yes, I think plotting an appropriate revenge is in order. Purrhaps, after Dana's party, we can teleport up to my house and stroll to the river and scheme away?
Your Pirate Girl Pearl
Oh yeah, beans think the weirdest things is cute. An, when we is trying to be cute, it's so we'll get scritches, NOT to get our pikture taken.
Captain Jack
I use the satellie black box to lay on top of because it is just the right size for me and it keeps my tummy warm. I look a lot like Fagin when I am resting on top of the black box. I really like your idea of lying on the back of the couch and having the warm fan blow island breezes over your fur. How wonderful. Maybe I can join you?
Purrs and Headbumpies
Your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
Mommies just can't leave us kitties alone.
It's hard not to get your pictures taken when you are as adorable as the two of you are!
Humans and their flashy-boxes... sheesh. Man, I feel your pain. I hope you woke *them* up later in return.
We know what you mean about having your picture taken all the time. Mom won't leave us alone when she is home.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Bean are silly. Always waking us up with the flashy box!!
Moms can be annoying. That was rude to interrupt your napping like that. I'm glad you were both able to get back to sleep.
I can definitely empathize. Beans!
See!!! Your Mom is surprised that you two can be 'close' and not kill each other :) hahahahaha!!!!!
Not to mention Mom's have a thing for cuteness ;)
Purrs Mickey
Yup, dat is what happens when da mom duzzent go day hunting...happus interuptus!
That was funny! Thank you, you made us smile again.
And thank you so much for your condolences regarding the loss of our sweet Emil, we appreciate your coming by!
Karl and Mrs. OZ Michico always chasing me around with big flash box, and believe me, now her flash box is really huge, like 2 kgs~~
She also crazy, too!
At least pictures could let us know you are doing well~! What a dashing yawn, I love it!
Oh, our Mommy would have gotten the camera too! She says you look SO CUTE!!!!
Fagin: PLAY?????
those flashy boxes are so annoying and in the middle of the nap is even worse. i must say, it is cute to see you two napping together!!
i hope you're all able to make it on Sunday to my house trashing party! woofies welcome!
Wait till your beans are fast asleep and then get your revenge - a little bladder and boob walking perhaps, heeheehee:) xxx
Haha, well, you guys DO look cute. ;)
Oh the beans and the flash box, theys are furry rude with its, whens we are sleeping, aren't theys?
We have a giftie for you...
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