Beaux was adopted by Mommy and Daddy almost three years ago, when it was just me and Samwise living with them. They found him at a horrible place called the pound! They had gone to look at a Border Collie that Daddy had found online but when they saw Beaux, they thought he was the right doggie for them. Here's the first ever picture they took of Beaux. Daddy took it at his office because he adopted Beaux on a Hunting Day and his office is just down the street from the pound place.

So that is our last puppy brother Beaux. I like him just fine (as much as I can since he is a dog and all) even though he likes to chase us kitties and bark at us too. Mommy says he wants to play with us since he does something she calls "play posture" at us, but that he just doesn't know how to play with kitties. I do my best to ignore him and he pretty much leaves me alone. Dante though, that is another story. Here! This is how Dante always looks when he looks at Beaux.
See the evil look he gives him? He bats at him and growls and hisses at him too. I even watched Dante chase him around the house and out the back door once. Mommy thought it was so funny that she laughed and laughed. Poor Dante. I wonder what some mean doggie did to him when he was homeless! Dante tells me he wants Beaux to leave but personally, I think Dante entertains himself by stalking and attacking Beaux. What do you kitties think? Does Beaux look vicious or do you think that Dante can take him?
And one more thing! We want to give an extra special thanks to The Crew for showing us how to do hyperlinks and also to The Cat Realm for offering to show us how too! Kitties helping Kitties - its a wonderful thing!
Beaux is a very handsome doggie, and mommy told me that he is sweet! Dante is just like my kitty uncle Sebastian. When Loki was first adopted, Sebastian would visit Loki and scare him. He stalked him and chased him! Grandmama said that Sebastian is just a bully.
I don't think I'd like a woofie around. My breeder got a woofie after I lived there and that's a good thing. Woofies look big and kind of scary...For a woofie though, Beaux is kind of cute!
Beaux looks cute, but it's too bad he doesn't know how to play properly with kitties. Your Nana is very smart.
Beaux is very cute! But I am certain Dante could take him if he wanted to.
I would be a little scairt of a doggie that chased me and barked. Even if he was just trying to play.
Beaux is a furry handsome woofie and he looks like he would be furry sweet too.
what a handsome woofie. mommy loves woofies, but i am afraid of them. it doesn't matter houw "tough" they are, i'm afraid!
i think dante is very brave to chase him around. i'm not sure who'd win, but my money will always be on the kitty.
Beaux is a cool-lookin' woofie! Furry handsum. there aren't any woofie Ballicai, but we have some woofies in our eckstended fambly who have vizzited from time to time. And alla us Ballicai just kinda sit back and look at 'em like... wowie, what a funny lookin' cat! But we know they ain't cats, hehehe.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Beau looks like a nice woofie. It's good that you and he have reached a understanding. We think Dante could definitely take him -paws down.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Beaux looks like a nice woofie, but he would probably scare me!
Thanks for the purrs, I'm home now. The V-E-T didn't find the feather, so we are assuming it passed "naturally" and maybe something that was on it gave me an upset tummy. But I came home with some yuccky medicine because of it!
Tell Beaux that my dog brother Diamond knows what it is like to live with a kitty that does not like him!
Zippy really likes woofies, she's really good at telling which one's are okay to be around kitties and which ones to tell to back off. She has many woofie frends in da nayborhood and some dat she is just nodding akwantanses wif and two dat she just glares at as dey walk by. She says Beaux just wants to be frends but is to silly and rambunkshus.
Beaux is a wolfie and wolfies and us kittys dont's usually gets along. But perhaps mommy is right, he just doesn't knows how to plays with kittys. I know Dante could get him after all he is a big kitty.
Beaux is very cute! And we are sure he just wants to play, but doesn't understand us kitties. We have a doggie relative, Maverick, he belongs to the Sonbean. I don't like him at all and Tigger tolerates him! So I understand Dante, but I hide cause I'm scared.
Your FL furiends,
Beaux is quite cute for a dog.He has friendly eyes.I think maybe Dante likes the "I hate you game"
After all, ya gotta have someone to spar with!
Beaux is a very handsome dog. I think he just hasn't learned how to play with kitties. That is an evil look that Dante is giving him. Thank you for visiting my blog. I love making new friends.
He's a beautiful dog.
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