Isn't it pretty? We were so happy to get them and Mommy says that because we got TWO that means that we don't have to share and that Captain Jack can have one and Dante can have one, all to themselves! We are so happy that Dante laid wrapped around Mommy's head on her pillow last night and purred all night long, and Captain Jack was up at 5am this morning, singing his happiness for his beans to hear, loud and clear! What a cat blogosphere welcome! We are so happy that we have all of our new friends and cannot wait to make even more!
Now, we will pass on our happiness to Prince Tybalt! He's been our friend for a long time and is really an awesome prince kitty! Since we cannot do the cool linkies that other bloggers do (can someone help us? We tried Skeezix's help blog but we think we need more practice) here's his blog: http://www.tybalttheprinceofcats.blogspot.com/
Again thanks Mia and Ghost AND Hendrix. You guys made our day!!
Congratulations on your sweet treat! :) All the cats that are part of the Cat Blogosphere are so kind and generous. I've made some wonderful friends!
Wow!!! Thank you so much, Jack and Dante! Wait until my sisters hear about this! Mommy will come home to a destroyed house after they stop celebrating! (They already knocked over the trash this morning in their excitement over having their very own entry in my blog.)
It's easy to do a link to some text in your posting. email me at
thecrew@catlover.com and Mom will tell you how to do it.
Congratulations on your award! How exciting!
Congrats on you award! Thanks for visiting our blog - we will add y'all to our list of links once we have our Mom pinned down in the chair.
The Monsters
That is wonderful that you recieved this sweet treat! It is very nice to meet you and thank you for coming by our bloggie we always love making new furfriends...
Hi, Guys! Arrrgh! Tis a fine cupple of pirates you arrr.
Mom says she sleeps bestest wif me wrapped round her head. Then Dad is the one gettin up at 5 an the boy's radio started singing REElly bad dis mornin an poor Mom has a cold an she gave up on sleepin. Bonnie sleeps on the puter chair like 23-7 so she wasn't part of the excitement.
Congrats on the treat! Its wonderful to meet you, we're all such a fun group of cats I hope you enjoy yourself.
Yippie! You guys certainly deserve it. I hope I can get my photos to upload today. :( Blogger won't let me.
Awesome you gots a great awards!
Welcome to the cat blogosphere Capt Jack and Dante. We's can't waits to read more from yous!
Wow! That is great. You guys are sweet. Its a lot of fun to be a cat blogger.
Wow, congratulations on your award! That's awesome!
Thank you for coming to my party and helping to make my birthday the best one I've ever had!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Congratulations on your award! You certainly seem to have achieved a lot in your first few days of blogging!
Dante, thanks for your pic for the Gorgeous gingers page, I will nag my mum to get it on there ASAP.
Congratulations to your award!!!
The link thing is a piece of cake, I can explain it to you in two minutes!!! Email:
thecatrealm at gmail dot com
Congrats!!Sweet award for sweet kitties! Everycat on the Blogosphere is really nice and helpful, and sweet.
Congratulations to both of you!!!
What a sweet award...see what we did der, it's a pun. Okay, maybe mom's rite and we'z not dat funny. Yoo do deserve it tho, the award that is, not our lame jokes. Um, we'z going back to sleep now...
Concatulations on your award!!! How very exciting!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Congratulations for the sweet candy apple~!!! that is very well deserved~!
{claps paws} I'm so happy you got this award. Its so deserved!
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