For this week's Mini Mancat Monday, FAGIN thought FAGIN would show you how FAGIN PLAYS with a really super cool toy. YAY!! PLAYPLAYPLAY!!!

And it was a great toy too!! Mommy attached it to the cold box and I could WHAP PLAY WHAP PLAY all day long!! YAY!!! It was PAWESOME but then something odd happened.....

Are those laser eye beams behind FAGIN?? Uh oh, it looks like FAGIN's big brofurr Dante wants to PLAYPLAYPLAY too. Uh oh kitties, ME thinks this could be BAD. But NAH!! One brofur with laser eyebeams is not so scary - Dante is a great big brofurr - so FAGIN can still PLAYPLAYPLAY!! WHAP PLAY WHAP PLAY!!!

Then suddenly, FAGIN felt something weird - what is it? TWO brofurrs with LASER EYE BEAMS pointed at FAGIN?? Uh oh kitties, is that Captain Jack?
*gulp* Maybe FAGIN should take MY TOY and hide!!!!! RUN!!!
FAGIN!!!! ME will come and help you!!! PLAYPLAYPLAY WHAPWHAPWHAP!!! - Billy
Now that all looks like a lot of fun!
i can only say:
that was hysterical! i hopes you getted the toy away from those scary laser-eye brothers!
It's probably a good idea to skedaddle Fagin - two brofurrs with lasers might be more than you can handle! Bert and Jake
Me dearest Darling ManCat,
I would love to come and visit you when Mommy abandons us! I'm quite sure that I will not get the requisite amount of lap time or brushing with only Daddy around. I'll be there on Thursday and we'll while away the days cuddling and purrhaps pouncing on Fagin's new toy (it looks like fun)!
Purrs and Nosekisses,
Your adoring Black Pearl
Uh-oh!! Laser eyes can't be good!
Uh Oh! What are Captain Jack and Dante up to? Take your toy and hide Fagin - D'oh it's attached to the fridge!
um, maybe Jack was coming to play with you, not to take your toy. I might still hide anyway....
I can NOT believe you're going to be a year old. Man, now I'm feeling my achy bones. Fagin, I'm sure the girl cats will just adore you. Especially one with lotsa energy!
PS mommy is writing a looooong letter to your mommy right now
You're learning well, Fagin. A smart young cat knows when to stand his ground and when to run!
Oh Fagin, my sisfur Gracie would love to PLAYPLAYPLAY with you too...she is still a kitten at heart. Capt'n Jack you sure do have furry handsome laser eyes
purrs and kitty kisses
your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
pee sss
our word verification was PINGem!
Fagin, we don't think that Jack and Dante are going to stop you from playing. They just might join in.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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