This is Captain Jack laying on Mommy's legs to hold her down with his strength and cuteness.
Here is Dante showing off his adorable orange tummy. No way she could leave this!!
And last but not least, Fagin the Twitten (hahahaha) with his sleepy flirty look.
But alas, this did not work and Mommy ABADONED us on Friday and Saturday both for her plans. Tybalt, part of this is your Mommy's fault as she schemed with our Mommy to abadon us all so they could see that silly vampire movie together. And if that was not bad enough, Mommy left us the very next day to meet another friend for lunch and coffee. Sigh. She owes Daddy though because we are not too mad at her because our wonderful Daddy stayed home all weekend with us. He even cooked a huge turkey for us while Mommy was gone and fed us so we would know what Samwise meant about turkey comas. Oh we love Daddy! Mommy, you got some work to do - you too Aunt Rini for abadoning Tybalt and the Twins!! Bad women!!! Anyway kitties, we missed all of our friends (and two lovely lady kitties Miss Boo and Pearl) and are glad to be back!!!
Well I am glad that someone had their priorities straight and stayed home with you
We love ta hold dwn The Big thing by laying on the blankies on bit sides of his shoulders. And Ayla sits on his legs. He cant move at ALL!
You have my sympathy, I was abandoned this weekend too (although it was sorta my own fault). FAZ
Mommy did abandon us quite a bit, but we mostly had her all day Saturday and Sunday . . . only mostly, though.
Your are lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy! We had Mom for 4 days, because she had a really nasty cold. We gots lots of lap time and scritches.
I'm sorry your Mommy was so bad and abandoned all of you. How awful! At least you have a great Daddy, who cooks turkey just for you :-D
We are furry glad that you and your Mama are back where you belong!
Those are such cute pictures - I don't know how your Mum could leave such cuteness?! Thankfully, your Dad was won over by your adorableness.
Fagin, you are getting to be a big Mancat! I LOVE your new nickname too. Twitten, ha, ha,ha....
We hope your mom doesn't abandon you again any time soon!
What is wif the beans lately? They abandon us and expect us to be okay wif it? Bitey! They should all get the BITEY!! Kittys unite!!
Well, that was a good plan guys - you'd think that it would have worked! But those Mommies are sneaky. Jake and Bert
Oh my paws and whiskers, I think I'm going to need my smelling salts! That is just too much Ginger ManCat tummy for a girl to handle!
Purrs and Nosekisses,
Your adoring Pirate Girl Pearl
Its a good thing your daddy stayed home with you. Our mom left us for a couple of days too. We hope your mom makes it up to you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You all look great, and I can't believe how big the twitten has got.
It's good to see you guys back!
Ohh My Momma is so jelous! She can't wait to see that movie but it is not out here till the 11th.. typical.. hehe
I just don't know how your plans did not work, guys you had it, My Momma was like awww and awww and awww some more... I knowz at least it woz prolly hard for her ;)
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