Hello, it is ME, Fagin, and ME have a question for you kitties - What is this "WINTER" thing and why does it get so cold? You see kitties, ME LOVELOVELOVE the screened porch. I could spent all day out there. My favorite chair and sleeping blanket is out on the porch too! Here's a picture of ME when I was just a kitten, in my favorite porch spot.

Well kitties, this weekend when Daddy woked up he opened the door to the porch for ME and BRRRRR! It was COLD!! I mean really COLD!! I ran back into the house and asked Dante why it was so cold. Did something bad happen? Did someone leave the freezer door open cause its cold in there like it was outside? Dante said its something called "Fall" and that it will get colder and colder and then something called WINTER will happen. And that WINTER is really cold. I am not sure I like this kitties. Dante said it will get TOO COLD to go out on the porch!! Is this true kitties??? ME not like the COLD!!!!
PS: Captain Jack got yelled at this weekend a lot!! Mommy kept telling him how badly he scared her and Daddy and even the whole cat blogosphere and then she would pick him up and snorgle him. We're going to let him tell you all about his adventures tommorow! Until then, look at this picture!!
You see, even the Captain likes MY BLANKET and the screened porch. I won't have to give up my blanket and porch forever will I? It will get warm again, right?????
Capt'n Jack it was good to see that picture of you all safe and sound with Fagin by your side and Fagin yes the days will turn cooler and then plain cold on your front porch, but guess what it turns warm and then hot again. Maybe you Mom has something that is a small hot box that she can put on our porch and keep it warm some mornings so you can still enjoy the sunbeams.
Purrs and headbumpies
Your devoted lady love,
Miss Boo
FAGIN!!!! ME knows all about winter!! ME lived in the out in the winter all by myself. Winter is NOT fun. but it will get warmer again.
NOW PLAYPLAYPLAY!!! Billy SweetFeets
Captain Jack, glad you are okay and you were found! YEAH. And Fagin what a nice cozy chair you have...
We are so glad that Captain Jack is safe. Fagin, we are sorry, but it is about to get colder!
Dear Fagin,
I was borned in March, so I am not too sure about Winter, either! Want to PLAY!?!?!
Oh Fagin...it will get very cold....but it will get warm again too! Maybe your beans will put some extra blankets out there so you can go out there once in awhile during the winter and not freeze!
Oh Fagin - winter is tricky! When we first moved here from Catifornia I had no idea what winter was, boy was I shocked! Maybe if you're super chilly you can convince your Mommy for a heating pad - I'm working on my Mommy now!
Oh my sweet Ginger ManCat!
I'm so sorry I forgot to warn you about the 'tocks! Are you ok? Should I teleyport down there and nurse you back to health?!
Purrs and nosekisses,
Your Black Pearl
Winter is NO FUN, Fagin.
Unless you are Ivy and you like warm air blowing out of the vents on your furs . . . she even KISSES the air vent when the heat is on.
Hey Jack, glad yoor back! Fagin, Jack is right, winter will come and it will be freezy cold like someone turned off da heat or stuck yoo in da freezing box! But den it will be spring and it will start getting warm again...
I still remeber my first winetr Fagin, it woz very scary.
It does come back to summer again though, it just takes foreeevvveerrr
Thanks for stopping by my purrthday party.
I think that is extremely cute you are with your brother, me and my Lego brother could sit very near, but not snuggle with each other yet.
Winter is really coming soon!
Poor Fagin, I am sorry to say that it will even get colder. But, it's great snuggle weather!
Fagin, it will gets warm in like a squillion months! Wait till yoo gets to has snow ... the mom hates dat stuff! It's cold, wet and frozen like a ice cube. Blah, we like to nap alot when its cold out.
Yeah, it is really brrrr cold here, too. I do not like winter. Maybe you won't find it so bad, Fagin. There's always Spring to look forward to ;-)
Captain Jack, we are so so glad you are home safe and sound. Never scare us like that again (but enjoy the extra treats and snuggles you're geting now)
Yes Fagin, it will get colder and colder until next Spring. Then it will warm up again. Until then, we all have to suffer thru closed windows and porches. Maybe you'll get a special blanket to make it up to you!!
It doesn't get too cold where we live, Fagin. When it gets cold enough, we have a nice crackling fire to warm our toesies! We love laying by the fire!
Fagin, Unfortunately, life is tough and the weather can get downright cold enough to freeze your tocks off if you sit down. So don't do like Capt Jack did. Stay inside where it is nice and warm and don't run outside and scare everyone and everykitty. But you can go outside on the porch as long as the weather cooperates.
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