We must ask you kitties for something serious though. When Mommy and Daddy came home last night they discovered that the little kitten was limping. It appears that he has somehow injured one of his front legs. Mommy checked Fagin all over, looking for any swelling, etc and then called Aunt Susan. Aunt Susan thinks that he probably just strained something being a silly kitten. She's coming over tonight to check him and to give him his first kitten SHOTS!! We're trying to warn him about SHOTS but he's not listening. So if you kitties could keep Fagin in your purrs that his leg is okay and that the SHOTS go okay, we would appreciate it! We're also going to give Aunt Susan all of the responses to date on the poll for her vet clinic name and see what she thinks! Oh we can't (but Fagin can) wait to see our favorite Aunt tonight!!
Fagin, dude, buddy, shots is OK. My lady (the maybe-i'll-call-her-mommy lady)holded on to me and kissied my face (ewww bean cooties)and it was ok.
we is purring that your leg is ok!!!
Billy Gingersnap Meezer
Poor Fagin, how is you leg today. Did you try to jump too high? Auntie Susan will make it feel better. Shots don't really hurt...they should rename them something less scary!
Greetings Captain & Dante!
Uh oh Fagin ... I can only tell you it's over so fast you'll never know what happened. IT'S really quick, so don't worry too much about the shot. We hope that your leg injury is just a bump and a bruise and that you'll be running jumping and playing just like always.
Oh my heart be still when I saw you playing on your boogie mat I couldn't help but think of that night...you remember right? *blush*
We will all keep Fagin in our purrs
Your Always and Forever
Miss Boo -- first mate
Pee Sss
We really like the Sherwood Forest name for the Dr Aunt Susan....
I bet Dr. Aunt Susan is so good at giving shots that you won't even feel it!
I wanted to tell you that I like the name "All God's Creatures." But all of the other ones were great too!
oh poor Fagin. you played to hard!
shots really stink. like really stink. really. but they are important. so, what you should do, it cry, use the claws and bitey to protest...and then let them give you your shots so you stay healthy.
we're purring for you!
I thinks Fagin over dids it. Kits do that ya know, play too hard or wrastle too much and POOF an owie.
Shots, well ummm they do hurts a bit but it is overs quick. I say demand the treats when its all done to makes them know how it is s'pose to be.
Poor little Fagin! I think you might have played too hard, or jumped too high and hurted your little leggy. I'll bet it will feel better soon. Just take it easy for a while, okay?
Oh dear Fagin, what did you do to your leg? I will definately purray that your leg is okay and that your shots don't hurt too much.
I tagged all 3 of you for the 6 word meme, if you would like to do it the details are at my blog.
Have a good weekend and Captain Jack and Dante please look out for Fagin.
I fink Fagin just landed wrong. Temptations, lots and lots of them, should make him all better in no time :-)
PS Part of yur background doesn't load in Firefox. Don't know why, but I fink it was broked by the last Firefox upgrade :-(
It's ok Fagin. Shots are over before you know it. We're sending lotsa purrs though for your leg and your impending shots.
Luf, Us
Good luck getting your first shots today, Fagin!
When our big sister was a kitten she would sometimes limp, cause she had played soooo much. Lots of jumping and playing can do it - usually she would just have to be "contained" for a bit.
We'll be purring about the leg and the shots though!!!!
P.S. Pearl is sending nosekisses to Dante!
It'll be OK, Fagin! The worst part about the shots is loading intot he PTU and going in the car, you don't have to do that! You're a very lucky kittie! We think you just overextended your kittenwannadothatbutcantyet. You'll grow out of that!
We're with the cat in the previous post's comments. We still can't read your blog against that wallpaper. And we have to sit and waaaaaaaait for it to finish loading before it will even let us try hit and miss highlighting. We couldn't figure out what to do if that happened to us (other strange stuff happens to us), but we're hoping we will be able to read your blog soon.
PS - Sorry, we forgot to leave our comment.
We hope Fagin's leg is okay and Aunt Dr. Susan shooting him doesn't hurt his feelings. Or whatever part of his body he gets shot in.
Sending you purrs from New Zealand wee fagin. I hope your leg feels better soon.
Fagin we are purring for you. I hope you leg is okay!
That looks like a great exercise mat did you have music to listen to? I am sorry that your little kitty is limping, I hope nothing is wrong with him.
Okay, I'm purring for Fagin that everything will go all right, and that his limping is just a temporary thing from playing too hard!
You would never be safe here lounging like that, she would snorgle you, and snorgle you good.
Hi little Fagin! We will purrrrrrr for your leg to just be overused from too much playing. Those shots do not hurt very much and they help us stay healthy.
We like Aunt Susan's Vet Clinic and Sherwood Forest. It sounds like it will be a comforting place to visit.
Prrrrrs, head bumps and tail wags to Captain Jack, Sir Dante and Samwise!
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
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