Hey kitties, Dante here! Today we are going to do Wonderful Wednesday because of something that arrived at our house the other day....

What do you guys think Captain Jack is looking at? Whatever it is, its gotta be good because he is really looking in that box!

Oh WOW! Look at all of those treats! There are two bags of Temptations and Whisker Lickins and Greenies and LOOK! The Captain is still digging in the box! Could there be more???

Look at that!! Treats and toys - feather butt mousies and balls and everything! And look at the box, you can see who sent this bounty to us -
Spirit and Ezra!! This must be our prize package for winning their contest that they had the other week (yay for Mommy knowing her movies!).

Oh which should I play with first? The Captain already took off with a mousie so I can have my pick of what's left. Oh they all look so good! Maybe we can play with all of them at once!

Yes, this is what we looked like about an hour after we opened our mail. Eating treats and playing with feather butt mousies sure is exhausting but oh so worth it! Thank you so much Spirit and Ezra! We loved our prizes! Mommy said to say that she let us each have one toy and then put the rest in the box only to discover the Cpatain raiding the box a few minutes later. He managed to sneak out about 4 more toys before she caught him. Sorry Mommy, but we's pirate kitties - what do you expect?!
Wow! What a great prize package! Yep, Captain, raiding is what pirates do best!
Haha pirate kitties must take their prizes!!
What a wonderful prize package you got! I mean, look at all that booty!
What a wonderful horde of treasure! You're such a well behaved Pirate Dante, my sweet - only Captain Jack stole extra (hopefully he shared what he stole)!
It's gloriously sunny and bright today, perhaps you'd like to come up and we'll sit in the sunroom and while away the hours?
Your Black Pearl
That looks like a great prize package. Treats, toys, what more could you ask for!
What great prized you gotted! That sure is a lot of pirate loot.
What a haul you guys made! Enjoy!
Arrrrr Matey! Look at that bounty!
Oh, gettin' packages in the mail is the best thing, isn't it? Your peoples should know by now that you can't hide stuff from pirate kitties. heehhe
That's a great treasure trove you got there. Course it wuz ok furr Captain Jack to go on looting the booty.
You got great prizes! Look at all the feathers on all those toys - those are great fun to play with! And lots of treats to eat, too! It's no wonder you're both exhausted after all that.
What the point of having toys if you must keep them in box?
Oh what a great prize package that was!
That is wonderful you have great package!!!!
Enjoy your treat!!!!
What great things you got! Enjoy, after you've rested up!
Whoa--great booty, buddies! No wonder you had to pass out.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
We's is so glad you guys liked you "booty"!!
Oh I did not see all the wonderful surprises you recieved...how very special (and smart too, your Mom is very smart -- I bet you helped didn't you Jack?)...
I felt bad Capt'n Jack that I hurt Momma. I didn't mean too, and she didn't mean to scare me either. She really loves me and does all she can to protect me from ... well from the others. Abby is just... well... she's a bit aggressive when it comes to anything to do with Momma. This weekend Momma said she ran into a man who had a manx and that manx was loyal only to him. He said that his manx marked him by peeing on his face. More than once...at least Abby only marks Momma with his cheek smells. I don't think Momma would like that peeing stuff.
Thank you for taking up my honor for me, you'll never know just how much I appreciate it...
Your lovely pirate lady
Miss Boo
Oh that is one great box of toys you gotted ~the Fluffy Tribe
What a nice box of tingz!!!! I hopes dat you all enjoyz dem treats. I yam so glad to hear dat LK iz better.
That prize package looks fun! Concatulations on winning such a great prize.
Was there some nip in the box? You's look like there was. hehe
That looks like some great prizes. Good job pirating your toys away.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
What a great haul. Of course pirate kitties must raid their loot. Chuckle. Have a great time, once you have rested up again.
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