Friday, November 16, 2007

Family Friday

As you can see by Dante's picture, there is not much sleeping going on in our household at the moment. Mostly it is because of things happening with our Daddy's family. Last night the decision was made that his sister will undergo another surgery today around noon. She has developed a post operative staph infection so they need to do another surgery to make her better. On top of all of this, Daddy's father had to have angioplasty yesterday because one of his arteries was 95% blocked and they were afraid that his heart would attack him. They kept him in the hospital overnight but will release him today. The worst part of all this is that this is going on in two states! The sister is near us but the father is an entire state away. Mommy and Daddy are thankfully staying here with us since leaving would leave his sister all alone. Please send purrs that they get better soon and that no other family member gets sick!! Thanks!!

On a lighter note, we were so happy to see so many new recruits for the Black Furrball crew! Would you kitties like to have the pirate cat picture for your blog? We were thinking we could customize it with your pirate names! It's just a rough draft, but maybe it could look something like this:

Captain Jack : Dante! I was only playing around! *blushes*
Dante: Hahahaha! Look at him blush!! What do you think Miss Boo? Do you like it?

Anyway, if anyone wants one, leave us your pirate cat name and an email and we'll send ya one!!


Monty Q. Kat said...

Wow, what a bunch to go through! PURRS to you and your beans!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Purring and praying for your dad's family. I hope your dad's sister and his father heal quickly.

Tybalt said...

Purrs to you and your mommy and daddy! I will let you know our pirate names as soon as I come up with them . . . I bet Miss Boo will be thrilled! *snicker*

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Gosh, so much rotten stuff is happening to yoor fambly all at once. We'z gonna hafta double up da purrs and purrayers. We'z gotta get one of dem fancy pikshers for our blog. We'll email yoo wif our pirate names...just as soon as we get da gerls to agree on one. Women!


Oh Capt'n Jack

Purrs to your Daddy's sister and his Daddy. WE will all hold paws and purr for the good healing!

Oh my yes I just totally doing catwheels over that beautiful pirate lady picture. I'm going to be a fair lassie on board a rockin pirate ship! Woo woo let's sail the high seas lookin for some great treasures.

Miss Boo

Daisy said...

Oh dear, I am very sorry that your dad's father is sick now, too. I hope your dad's father and sister get better very, very soon. It must be very stressful. I am sending healing purrs.

Anonymous said...

Purrs for your family. This is a very difficult time!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys need more purrs.


Forty Paws said...

Goodness! Too many things happening for you guys! We're sending lots of pawsitive thoughts and purrs and headbutts.

Luf, Us

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, puuuuuuurrrrrrsssssssssss to your auntie and grandpa to get all better soon. that is a lot going on at one time! please keep us posted on everyone.

i want to be a pirate! can Bendrix be one too?? we need to come up with cool pirate names.

i think Miss Boo will love her pirate name. tee hee hee Jack got all blushy. that's OK Jack, Brandi makes my blush lots.

The Meezers or Billy said...

purrrrrrrrrrsssss to your family.

I would like a pirate patch for my blog - Pirate Laszlo the Engorged.

The Furry Kids said...

Holy cats! Lots of purrs and purrayers for all of you guys.

LZ said...

That is a lot! I hope everyone is OK! This makes the Woman decide to cancel her elective surgery in a couple of weeks. She's still on the fence...


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - your family is sure going through a hard time - I will purr for all of you.

I would love a patch for my blog.

So I need a pirate name, ummm.....
lets see........I think I would like to be called Mad Girl Kellie the Impaler

Unknown said...

Oh I forgot you need my e-mail address it is

Sunny's Mommy said...

I'm sorry your Mommy and Daddy's family members are so ill. I hope your Daddy's father and sister recover quickly.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I am dreadfully sorry to hear of your family problems. I do hope everything works out ok and everyone is fine eventually. I am thinking of you all.

I would like to be a pirate and I believe my pirate name should be:

Royal Yao-Lin the enslaver!


Mickey's Musings said...

Purrs! Purrs! Purrs! to all your family :(
I will purray that everybean recovers!
I have not been getting around lately,so I must go chech out your previous posts, K?

The Cat Realm said...

Purrr purrr purrr purrr purrr - lots of purrs and good thoughts to your Dad's father and sister! I hope they will be better soon!!!!!
And on that lighter note - can I be a pirate too????
My pirate name is
Captain Jack Flint, Robin Hood o' Pirates and my email is
thecatrealm at gmail dot com
Will the Black Furrball get her own travel blog? Who is on the crew so far?
And purrs again to your humans!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Purrrrrs to yer fambly - hope efurryone gits well soon.

The Crew said...

Uh oh! Extra purrs needed immediately!

The Crew said...

Oh Capt. Jack, we didn't know you had a secret crush! Well, it isn't a secret any more, is it?

Tipper & Misty

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

Hi Capt Jack...I have tagged you for a meme. Please come by my blog for the rules.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We hope efrything goes well fer your Beins fambly.

Looks like yer pirate crew is growin fast. We'll be watchin that... :)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

oh yes, beings a pirate I thinks would be funs. Its okays that I changeds my mind from befores I hope? I would like a greats patch too, I think I will pick Navigatin' TT Girl Hornigold. I dont's know if thats good enoughs but is alls I can thinks of. :)

We all hopes that the sister and father gets better. Lots and lots of purrs to them and yous.

Chase and Mel said...

Thanks for the kind words. I would LOVE to hang out on a pirate ship with real pirate kitties!! How cool are you guys?!! I will definitely add you to my friend list on my blog so I can keep in touch. Thanks!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my heavens I will keep you all in my purrrrayers for a full recovers of the famble beans! I hope you do not think me too ungracious of a kitty for taking such a long time to return your visit. You can only imagine how happy I was to see you come cheer me on while I was so very sick. Mommy was heartbroken and thought for sure I would not regain any of my spirit and was prepared for the worst. But I was worth a small miracle. With your purrrayers and some good medicine, I have regained my strength day by day. Mommy would not have made it through her worries about me without your comfort. Each night we keep you in our prayers and wish you endless Blessings this Thanksgiving season.
Love and hugs from our house to yours, Miss Peach and the mommy

Black Cat said...

Crumbs, you guys are really going through a rough patch. I do hope your Dad's Dad and Sister get better soon. I would love to be a crew member 'cepting that I'm a bean so don't qualify:( xxx

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I hope your daddy's family will be fine~!!

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

You got stuff going on in your family...I'm sorry, I hope everything will be OK.

I want to be a pirate like you...
My pirate cat name should be,

Lady Chancy
The Pirate Woman of Peace

Prayers for your family