Alas, it is with a grieving heart that we must convey to you that our pirate brother - Cap'n Nels the Cranky, has left us. He has gone to captain that great pirate ship that sails on the oceans at the Bridge and we are all very sad. But out of everything sad, there is the joyful too.
As you know, the young Cabin Kitten, is up for a promotion. We had been waiting to get a ceremony and a party organized before we had the grand annoucement, but in light of the fact that Fagin first distinguished himself on Meow Like a Pirate Day under the watchful eye of Cap'n Nels, we decided to honor that great Captain's passing by making the annoucement today (we'll have the party later). So, gather round all of you kitties and witness the deed.
We want it known that out of all of the guesses of what young Fagin's new rank would be it was in fact, the Great Captain Nels and the rest of the Meowers who came the closest when they guessed "he'll be the pick-pocket-in-chief?" Yes, and now we have the honour of presenting to you:
Fearless Fagin, the Ferocious Fighting Tabby, Quarter Master and Purser (in charge of all acquistions and riches) of the Black Furrball.
Ah! Cap'n Nels would be so proud! And we're sure young Fagin will live up to his title!
Congratulations on young Fagin's promotion. I know Cap'n Nels would be proud.
Concatulations to young Fagin! We were sorry to hear about Cap'n Nels, but we agree that he'd approve.
Gypsy & Tasha
Hurrah for fagin!
Cap'n Nels would be very proud indeed!!! Concatulations Fagin!! - Sammy and Miles
::sniff sniff:: Fagin? does it mean that you can't play wif me anymore 'acuase I'm still a cabin kitty? ::sniff sniff:: me wants to PLAY PLAY PLAY wif my bestest furriend. - Billy
We were sad to hear of Cap'n Nels going off on his voyage to da rainbow seas. What do we call Fagin now? Qauarter Master? Purser? Sir? Or just Fagin? We don't wanna break protocol if we ever sail wif yoo again...
I think Cap'n Nels would be very proud! Congratulations Fagin!
FAGIN!!! ME wants to be your 'ssistant!!! YAY!!! ME COME OFUR AND PLAYPLAYPLAY!!!
Nice tribute to Cap't Nels and congrats Fagin!
Congratulations, Fearless Fagin! If you are in charge of all riches, that makes you the richest pirate! Woo Hoo!
Purser Fagin! I wood love to go on a plunderin mishun with yoo sumtime. Maybee we shood plan one in honor of Cap'n Nels.
Our hearts go out to the family of Cap'n Nels. I'll bet there's plenty of tuna to plunder down in Davy Jones's Rainbow Bridge Locker.
Congrats to the wonderfully titled young Fagin! May his sails always be full and his ham barrels always be stocked.
Concatulations Fagin! You better live up to that lofty title.
Concatulations Fearless Fagin!
Cap'n Nelson will be missed by all... A shipmate gone is a loss ta us all.
Concatulations Fagan! You have some big paws to fill!
Congratulations, Fagin on your promotion!
::twirl:: ::twirl:: ::twirl::
YAY!! for fagin!! we are furry excited and happy for him, an' look furward to sailin' wif him again. we are sure that the cap'n is hoistin' a tuna juice or two in his honor, as he thought a lot of the laddie.
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