Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mommy Update

Heya friends! We wanted to update you on how our Mommy is doing after her scary experience.

As a reminder, on Thursday the bus Mommy was riding on had an electrical fire and the bus coach filled with very caustic fumes. Mommy is an asthmatic so the fumes caused her (and three others on board) to have an asthma attack. Though she was able to get the emergency symptoms under control (wheezing, gasping for oxygen, not being able to breath, etc) with her rescue inhaler that she always carries with her, she developed a very painful, deep cough that caused Daddy to take her immediately to her V-E-T. She was diagnosed with pulmonary pneumonitis (smoke/chemical inhalation) and the V-E-T put her on lots of meds and sent her home to rest with express instructions not to go anywhere for at least 48 hours or do anything that would cause her to breath in chemicals, etc (the doctor literally told her she was not allowed to clean the house all weekend). She was also warned that because her lungs are inflammed and somewhat burned and bruised, any bacteria or infection that got into her lungs would likely go straight into pneumonia.

Mommy is feeling better which is very good. We've been making sure that one of us is with her at all times. For example, last night she went to sleep with Captain Jack lying on her legs and Samwise lying beside her and woke up with Dante on her ankle and Fagin curled up to her neck. She is still coughing and it hurts very badly, but she is coughing less. She slept for 12 hours last night but we think that she needs to sleep lots so she can heal. She is trying not to think about how bad things could have been (her great uncle died from a bad asthma attack) for her and her fellow passengers but when she does it really scares her. We are taking care of that by purring at her as well as playing together in front of her so she is distracted. Dante is allowing her to brush him too so that she has something to keep her mind off of the scary stuff.

More than anything Mommy and us want to thank you for all our your good wishes and purrs and purrayers for her. Mommy has been moved to tears more than once when she realized how much love the kitties, woofies, buns and beans of the blogosphere were sending to her. We love you all and are grateful for the positive energy and love we have felt from you all. We'll update again soon and hope to get around to see some of our friends as well. Take care everyone and thanks again, truly.

We do have one favor to ask. We would appreciate it if we could all send some of our love and good thoughts to the people on the Gulf Coast who are watching Hurricane Gustav. Uncle Dave is from New Orleans and still has lots of family there. Last night Aunt Susan called and asked if we would be willing to lend our guest rooms to some of Uncle Dave's family that may flee from the Hurricane. Mommy told her to tell them to come on over and to bring their furries too. We purr and purray that everyone is okay and that the bad storm goes away!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh my! We've been so busy I am not sure we knew about this...or given the business we've managed to forget EVERYTHING lately. We are very glad your person is doing okay. What a scary thing!

Daisy said...

I am so glad that your mom is getting better. That was a terrible scare.

I think she should avoid any house cleaning for at least the next 3 months!

I am very worried about those who will be affected by Gustav, and I am sending strong purrs.

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness. That sounds way too scary for your Mom! We agree with Daisy. Hold off house cleaning for at least 3 months.

Luf, Us

Milton said...

Oh, yes!!
I'm purrin & purrin & purrin for all the beans and furies in the storm.

I think that the Purragous Pirates are doin' a great job! Keep up all the healing purrs guys, they's workin!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We didn't know about your mum. That must have been scary. You are doing a good job making her rest. We hope she is soon all better.

Lux said...

Oh, your poor mom! I'm glad that she is feeling a bit better now - I know you've all been helping a lot.

Sending lots of purrs to her and to your family in the Gulf coast area.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We're so glad your Mommy is feelin' better. That's furry scary, and we'll keep purrin' and purrayin' for her, and also for those in the Gulf.

Sweet Purrfections said...

So sorry I missed your blog about your mommy yesterday. My mom was at home recuperating from her foot infection and I didn't get to visit too much.

I hope your Mommy continues to improve.

Tenny said...

O my goodniss! How skairy. I am happy to heer she is doing bedder and that yoo are all helping. We bin nursing our Mommy too, but it wuz eckpectid and not a skairy fire.

We are watching the storm nooz from heer in Dallis and are hoping all the beens and furries stay safe!

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrrrrs, purrrrrs, puuuuurs for your Mommy! We are glad she is feeling better and we hope she heals up quickly! We are so glad you are all taking care of her and we are purrring for those in Gustav's path!!
(((((HUGS from our home to yours))))))),
Your FL furiends,

Just Ducky said...

Continuing purrs for your mum that her lungs get all better. Also that all of the gulf people be safe from the storm. Leave NOW!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We all hope the Mommy is feelin better after all that stinky smoke an stuff!

Poppy Q said...

Oh I am glad to hear your mom is feeling better, what a scary thing to happen.

We hope all of your friends and family are ok and the storm blows out to sea.

PB 'n J said...

We're glad to know how that your Mommy is on the mend! But you guys have got to keep up the purrs and sitting on her to make well again!

We'll be purring for all those that will be effected by Gustav.

Purrs and headbutts to my sweet ginger ManCat!
The Black Pearl

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh oh oh how did we miss this?? CRIPES!!!!


(pee ess, and then me and Fagin will PLAYPLAYPLAY!!!!) - Billy Sweet Feets

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Omigosh! That is horribly scary! We're so glad that your momma is gonna be alright! Take good care of her an' we'll send lots of purrs.

Mr. Hendrix said...


we think your mommy had better just stay put with all the fuzzies on top of her! no cleaning! no cooking! no moving. she had better rest or Bendrix will head her way.

we are very glad she if feeling better.

we are purring and praying for all the beans and animals effected by the hurricane. we have been since it started. puuuuurrrrrrsssss

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

OH MY GOODNESS. Since Mommy hasn't been able to help us blog, we had no idea that your Mommy was sick. We are so sorry! We are happy that she got off of that bus safely. Our Mommy has asmtha too and it can be scary. We are sending lots of healing purrs to her!!!

We are also praying for everyone in the path of the hurricane.

Please give your Mommy lots of love from our Mommy. Maybe they can recuperate together! :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

I hope your Mommy will completely heal from this in a short period of time. That is a very serious injury to her lungs.

We've been purring and purring for everyone effected by Gustav.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, we hope that your mommy is feeling much better now! Its furry scary when the mom doesn't feel well. Keep purrin on her boys!

~ Molly ~

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, we're so glad your mom will be okay. That must have been scary and painful.

We hope you're taking good care of her.