So I was sleeping on ME couch again this weekend when ME heard the Mommy on the phone and she said thinks like, "Fagin" and "6 months old" and "10 pounds" and "new-ter." What is new-ter and what does it have to do with ME?? Is it a NEW TOY? FOODS? Anything FUN?! Will ME like it?
In other news, it's Not the Mama Monday!! We think Mo is awesome - a true cat hero - and we wanted to join in saying Thank You Mo!! We Loves You!!! YAY!!!!
um, I would call it more like losing a toy. But don't worry buddy, it is a toy you don't need and won't even miss.
Then when you get home, you'll get lotsa extra treats and lovin and probably new toys that you will like!
Don't worry, most of us Mancats have had this done and we're all just fine!
Fagin, it's right of passage that almost ALL big boy mancats go thru.
You're coming of age now. Sniff, sniff. Kittenhood will be leaving soon.
Buddy & Smoky
I dunno Fagin . . . you might want to hide . . .
I'd hang on to that sofa very tightly...
FAGIN!!!! you has to haf your hoo-ha-ectomy!!!!! ME hadded mine when I gotted here. IT's ok. You gets ice cream and stuff when you gets home from the v-e-t. (ME is saying that so that your mom will get you some).
but for now,
Oh little dood - it's not good, but it is for the best! We both got over ours with lots of extra treats and snuggles.
Dante! Are you ok?! I didn't mean to make to pass out! Though Mommy agrees that I was having a good "floof day". Shall I come over and help you recover?
Purrs and nosekisses,
Your loving Pirate Girl Pearl
Ummmm uh oh...noo terr is not too bad and you'll be play play pLay in no time at all Fagin!
Just ask Captain Jack he'll tell you all about it....
I am so glad that you came to our rescue this last week. We would have been up to our pawpads in water if you hadn't arrived with the Black Furball when you did. I can always depend on you! Whatever did I do to deserve such a brave handsome mancat like you Captain Jack?
Purrs and Headbumpies
Your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
Ummmm. No. Not a toy, Fagin. But afterward you'll maybe get some toys and extra lovies. Another upside is that you get to take an extra nap.
Do not worry, Fagin, you do not need those parts, anyway!
I don't think it's fun but it'll be over quickly. Think of it as a right of passage to being a mancat, and you'll be just like your two big brothers :-D
Nope not a new toy, but you'll soon forget all about it. It's what happens to Mancats in training.
Fagin, your older brothers will tell you that it's a... well, it's a rite of passage for a man cat. That's all you need to know for now.
Fagin, don't worry about it. You will go to sleep and not even remember what happens. You are getting to be a teenager and this is something that most teenaged boykitties have to go thru.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Little buddy, new ter is not a toy. It's um, eh, bits you wont really need. And after the mom ladys cuddle you and tell you how good you are. Then the treats come out and they always looks at you with concern and lots and lots and LOTS of love till you are all healed up. Well my mom did ...
~ Shadow ~
Um...we hate to tell you this Fagin, but "new-ter" doesn't mean "new toy" It means soon the VET will be stealing your manly hoo-has. But don't worry too much about it. All us guys have been through it and after a few days, you'll be feeling fine.
George & Max
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