Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Fagin Good Kitten

Monday, December 22, 2008
Do I live with Santa Paws?!?!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Maiming Mancat Monday
We is mad because we had pictures we wanted to show you but we cannot because we has no innernets to upload them and Mommy can only quickly post our unhappy message from work. HMPH!! Mancats unite - let's get the mean innernet no repair guy and the innernets too for going away!! BAD INNERNETS!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wordy Wednesday

PS: We wanted to let everyone know hat we are sorry for not getting around to visit our friends. Mommy is very sick with what is basically pneumonia and gets tired and sleepy so easy. Please know that we are thinking of you all and hope to see you all soon!! Lots of love! - Purrageous Pirates
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tattling on Tuesday

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Happy Gotcha Day Beaux!!!

Beaux's favorite steak!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Can you Keep a Secret?

Monday, December 1, 2008
We're Back

This is Captain Jack laying on Mommy's legs to hold her down with his strength and cuteness.
Here is Dante showing off his adorable orange tummy. No way she could leave this!!
And last but not least, Fagin the Twitten (hahahaha) with his sleepy flirty look.
But alas, this did not work and Mommy ABADONED us on Friday and Saturday both for her plans. Tybalt, part of this is your Mommy's fault as she schemed with our Mommy to abadon us all so they could see that silly vampire movie together. And if that was not bad enough, Mommy left us the very next day to meet another friend for lunch and coffee. Sigh. She owes Daddy though because we are not too mad at her because our wonderful Daddy stayed home all weekend with us. He even cooked a huge turkey for us while Mommy was gone and fed us so we would know what Samwise meant about turkey comas. Oh we love Daddy! Mommy, you got some work to do - you too Aunt Rini for abadoning Tybalt and the Twins!! Bad women!!! Anyway kitties, we missed all of our friends (and two lovely lady kitties Miss Boo and Pearl) and are glad to be back!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tattling Tuesday

Monday, November 24, 2008
Remembering our Friend

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wordy, Tattling Wednesday

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tattle Tuesday
Monday comes around and there is more weird (it had better not have been woofie) food in our bowls and the so called Mommy person says 'I know kitties, and I am sorry, but Daddy will get you some food on the way home." Well, day hunting ends and Mommy comes home and guess what - we have no foods at all! No cat food, no woofie food (ick ick bleh), NOTHING!! Sure she gave us some Tem-ta-shuns but still!! So what did we do? We STARED at her and plotted. She sat down to try to read her book (some stupid series about teenage vampires that has a movie coming out soon that she is all excited about for some reason) but we knew what to do. We all three jumped on the couch and STARED as hard as we could. And you know what kitties? It worked. She picked up the phone (we think her hands were even shaking in fear) and called Daddy and said, "You had better get some cat food here and soon. I think they are plotting at my death if they are not fed soon."
Hahahahahaha!! That's right woman!! Bad so called Mommy person!! So Daddy came home and fed us (Daddy good, Mommy bad!!) and then do you know what that woman did? She said, "Dante is still sneezing. I think he needs a cold tablet." And she SHOVED A PILL DOWN DANTE'S THROAT!! That's it woman!! You are hereby notified that you are under observation and we are determining your punishment. Fagin said to tear up all of your Twilight books, including the ones you have not finished, Dante said to wait til you are sleeping and then put furr down your throat so you choke like he did on the pill, Jack said to meow at you all night until sleep is a bittersweet memory. We are still deciding so beware woman!! You are in so much trouble!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mancat Monday

I am scary, aren't I kitties? Does my winky eye make me look extra vicious? What do you think?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fagin the Thief
You see, last night Daddy made nummy chicken and cheese quesadillas for him and Mommy. Well, Mommy ate all of hers but ONE LONELY piece which she left on her plate that she set down on the counter. She then went outside to do something with the woofies and I was just sitting there - honest I was - when the quesadilla said to me: "Fagin! Fagin! Do not leave me here all alone, all by myself. Fagin! I need to be eaten!" And then it began to cry, it really did, so I jumped up on the counter and NOM NOM NOMed the piece of quesadilla, just as it asked me too. And Mommy did not even know - she thought Daddy ate it because I left no incriminating evidence. Later when he ratted me out (BAD DADDY!) she called me "Fagin the Thief!!" Well, what do you expect woman!! Look what character you named me for - the head thief!!
Purrageous Mom: Fagin, that is a good story and all but what about Daddy's missing shrimps from the night before?
Fagin: I do not know Mommy - maybe they swam away? Look! What's that?!?! (giggles are heard as Fagin runs off)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veterans Day

Monday, November 10, 2008
Mini Mancat Monday

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day

It has a peach on it because we live in Georgia and apparently Georgia is known as the "Peach State". We've never eaten peaches but Mommy says they are good. We have to tell you what Fagin did last night kitties- he had a whole half of a cheeseburger all on his own and without permission. He stole it off of the counter and NOM-NOM-NOMed it before anyone could take it away from him! Silly kitty!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Mancat Monday

Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!