Hello kitties! First, we want to thank all of you for coming by and helping us surprise Beaux on his Gotcha Day last week. We all had a lot of fun and that was mostly because all of you were here to make the day special. Now, for today's post we are going to show you what Beaux did the evening of his Gotcha Day.
Mommy came home and let the woofies out. Well, later she went to let them back inside and though Samwise came inside immediately, she did not see Beaux anywhere. She looked and looked and realized that the dog in the fenced yard next door looked a lot like Beaux.....

Even the collar was the right color. But the woofie next door looks nothing at all like this - he is small and brown not black and fluffy like Beaux......it was a mystery until Mommy saw this!!

Uh oh - it looks like Beaux has been digging again and this time, he dug UNDER THE FENCE!!

Yep, that dog that looked like Beaux's in the neighbor's yard was actually Beaux! Silly dog dug himself into the yard next door and was fenced in there too. The sad thing was that the next door dog, who is a great friend of Beaux's, was not even home. Moppy was out with his parents so Beaux dug next door for nothing!!

Silly woofie had to stay next door until Mommy and Daddy came to get him!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

As you can see, even Samwise thought it was hillarious!! Silly woofie! Doesn't he know that home is always the best??
hahah everyboddie always thinks the grass is greener.. *sigh* silly woofies! hehe
Whatever are you going to do with that naughty Beaux? Mommy is glad Loki and Dana don't do that . . . *paws crossed*
PS: I tagged you for a meme yesterday!
we bets that when Beaux gotted out of your yard and into Moppy's yard he went "crappity crap crap crap I'm locked in here now!"
That's right silly woofies...we know kitties wouldn't do this, right?!
Oh Dante, Ping has tagged you for a meme!
Capt'n Jack it is a very nice sunny warm day here, would you like to join me on the back porch for a snuggle or two?
Purrs and headbumpies
your devoted lady love
Miss Boo
Oh poor Beaux. Maybe he was hoping to surprise his friend when his friend returned?
Beaux just wanted an adventure for his birthday!
Those silly woffies - we bet Beaux was bummed when he found out Moppy wasn't there! George is a digger too, but she's never made it out yet.
Hahaha! Beaux thought he was purrty clever...
Beaux is furry silly but furry smart too!
ha ha ha that is so funny! woofies crack me up. it is sad his friend wasn't home to play with. maybe next time right?
the party was great fun! thanks for inviting us.
Hahahah...dat was funny. I'm sure he thawt his frend was der and was gonna come out and play...either dat or he's just goofy.
That is very funny - at least he dug somewhere where he would be safe. Camie doesn't dig - of course that could be because she isn't outside without snoopervision.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Silly dog. Every dog knows you dig OUT of a fence, not INTO one.
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