Those lovely kitties at
PB&J, which includes Dante's Beautiful Pearl, have tagged all of us for the nickname meme. Since they tagged us all, this is going to be a very Wordy Wednesday!
Here are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged.)
We will go in age order so Samwise will start us off. His middle name is Gamgee!
G- Gardner - because I love love love to dig in the dirt!!
A- Arf Arf! - what my bark sounds like. I do not BARK! like most dogs but do this weird, soft ARF! that makes beans laugh. Aunt Susan says it sounds like I was "de-barked," whatever that means.
M- Mommy's favorite - I know I am her favorite because I am the only one allowed to follow her around 24/7. I know this because I will chase off the other kitties and woofies who try to get too close to her.
G- Garbage dog - Mommy and Daddy call me this because I used to love to tip over the garbage can in the kitchen and spread it out all over the floor so I could see what was in it (they have since brought a so-far Samproof garbage can)
E- Eager - I love to go for car rides and all it takes it Mommy picking up my leash to get me really excited.
E- Extraordinary - Cause I am. Aunt Susan actually called me "the perfect dog" once. I think that makes me very extraordinary!
Next up is Captain Jack. His middle name is Jack!
J- Jumper - Mommy and Daddy are always surprised how high I can jump with no effort. It is not unusual for me to jump to the top of a chest of drawers without blinking or even trying hard.
A- Awesome - cause I am one awesome pirate cat!
C- Captain - Yeah. I am the Captain!
K- King Sized Kitty - I am a rather big cat. I am lithe and slender and still weigh 15 pounds. I am often called Moose Kitty because I am so big!
Third, we have Beaux. He is often called Bozo so Daddy says his middle name should be Zeaux!
Z- Zabernist - which means "bully". Yeah, I bully the kitties from time to time, I admit it!
E- Exuberant - You should see how I jump and dance around when its dinner time!
A - Appreciative - Mommy and Daddy adopted me from the pound and I have always been very appreciative of them choosing me!
U- Uncommonly sweet - Mommy says I am all heart...and no brain!
X- Xtremely talented because I can catch my treats in the air and I can sit and even stay on command.
Finally, we have Dante. He has two middle names, Barbossa and Alighieri. We will use Barbossa for this!
B- Begger - I will beg for treats by loudly mewoing until they hand over the goodies!
A- Awesome - Cause like Jack, I am one awesome pirate cat!
R- Red head - Aunt Susan insists that I am not orange, that I am actually redheaded, just like my Mommy. Yeah, I prefer the term ginger I think.
B- Batter - I am very good at batting things. Anything that is left on a counter or table will soon find its way to the floor!
O- Orange cause I am one gorgeous ginger!!
S- Scarred - I have a huge scar on my back from where a car's fanbelt bit me when I was homeless.
S- Sedate - I am actually a pretty calm kitty. Mommy has often called me "laid back" which she says means I am lazy and like to lie around and relax, and I say it means that I am sedate.
A- Attacker - I definately attack Beaux by whapping chasing him through the house.
Wow! That was lots of hard work! We hope you enjoy reading about us. We would like to tag
Chance and his brother Shadow,
Derby, and all of the
Furry Kids!!