While we were gone, we noticed how many things we have been tagged for. WOW! Mommy is going to help us go through and write everything that we were tagged for down so we can do all of them soon (hopefully starting tommorow). Until then, we wanted to do a Thursday Thirteen called:
"Thirteen Things We Did While Mommy Was Sick"
1. Slept on the big bed with Mommy. After Daddy went to work every morning, we were afraid she would get lonely so we made sure to get into bed with her to keep her company.
2. Kept her head warm by curling up on the pillow beside her. We think it is very important to stay warm when you are sick.
3. Soothed her to sleep by purring after we laid on her pillow. We would purr right in her ear so that she would be all relaxed and have good dreams.
4. Entertained her by playing all over the bedroom. That was fun and we could not have her getting bored!
5. Made sure she got her exercise by meowing at her for treats which are kept in the food room. Going up and down the stairs to assist us meant she got exercise which kept her strength up.
6. Made sure the dogs left her alone to rest by whapping them and growling at them (Dante especially enjoyed this).
7. Made sure Mommy's drinks were good for her by taking sniffs and sips.
8. Made sure Mommy did not hurt herself with the drinking straws she placed in her glasses by stealing the straws.
9. Captain Jack showed Mommy how one should play with straws after we stole them.
10. Took long naps with Mommy - this is very important in the healing process.
11. Gave Mommy massages by making biscuits on her tummy.
12. Made sure Mommy's dinner was good by taste testing for her.
13. Since she was not day hunting, we were able to go out on our porch and enjoy the nice weather. Its was almost 70 degrees here!! Here are some pictures Mommy took of us enjoying the day.
Do you see how Dante's furrs are all thick? Mommy says he has his winter coat on.

You were both very helpful and good nurses while your mom was ill! We hope she feels better soon. Sending healing purrs her way.
Well its really good that she got some antibiotics and is getting better. I'm glad you all didn't rest while caring for her as you had a lot of duties!
Great job, guys! Taking care of sick mommies is hard work, so I hope you are both resting up now.
Great pictures of you both enjoying the sunroom!
you guys are good! you should get medical degrees!
You are great kitties for taking such good care of your mommy. I hope she gets all better soon. Keep up the good nursing.
You should try working in shifts so you don't get all tired taking care of her.
Mommy feels bad cause she hasn't written her letter yet. She promises to get to it soon.
You two make wonderful nurses, I bet you could earn green papers 'cause you are so good at it!
Capt'n Jack
You and Dante were so strong and caring with your Mom while she has been ill. It is a very special thing for a mancat to take care of his Mom so well. I know she will get her strength back a lot quicker now that she has the two of you to nurse her back to health. I sure would like to snuggle up with you in that nice chair with the green blanet. Our weather has been a great deal like yours warm and pleasant, so we get time out on the screened in porch. I just love to be out in the fresh air and sunbeams.
We will keep sending healing purrs to your Mom.
And special purrs for you!
Purrs and Nosekisses
Miss B
I'm sorry your Mommy's got bronchitis and a sinus infection. Those are bad things to have. Everything you did, I know, is helping her to feel better.
Those are beautiful pictures of you two :-)
Oh NO, my Mum says sinus infections and Bronchitis are not fun at all. It is a good thing you guys were there to help make your Mum feel better. I hope she gets better and better real quick.
I like the Sir in front of Dante's name, it is very pirate like!
That was very sweet of you guys to take care of your mommy when she was sick! ~Queen Snickers
We hope your mom feels better soon.
You guys did a great job taking care of her. Taking her straws and sipping her drinks are very important. hee hee
i'm sure your mom was very thankful that you took such goods cares of her!
It was very sweet of you to take care of your mom when she was sick. It's an important job for us kitties.
Feel better Jack's and Dante's mommy. It isn't any fun being sick like that. Good job boys taking care of your mommy. We have to make sure our beans take care of themselves.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
My mommy's been sick with the same bronchitis for two months now.She can't get rid of it and is tired all the time.I've been helping her by doing cuddle duty.We have to take good care of our humans.
Oh, yoo guys did a furry good job of taking care of yoor mommy. We like to take our mom's tempachure by sticking our nozes in her ear. We figger if da vet guy can take our in da ear we should be able to tell if da mommy has a fever dat way too. Yoo should try dat, cuz if yoor mom has a fever den yoo gots to lay directly on her face. Dat is da only cure fur a fever.
I sincerely wish your mommy will back in normal sooner, coughing is really painful.
And I love Dante's fur, very very good looking~~~
You boys did a great job looking after your mom. Obviously the main reason she is getting better is due to your guys and the way you helped her. It's just a coincidence that she started the antibiotics at the same time. Hope your mom keeps getting better, and you all have some more quality time together at home,
Gypsy & Tasha
It's great to sit next to mommys while they are sick. Also its good to purr real louds so they get the full healings purr. You guys dids a great job I bet!
With all that help, your mom is sure to get well in no time!
I am purring in hope that your mom is feeling better soon. Our mom has been under the weather for a few days too with something called a head cold. Her head does not feel cold to me.
You are very good taking care of your mom!
Oh you did such a nice job of takiing care of your mommy - I'm sure that's going to help her get better even sooner!
Dante you look so handsome in the sun there, we've had nothing but grey days here - mind if I come visit?
Dems nice pictures of you two pirates all rugged up for winter.
I hope your mommy is feeling better soon. Lots of sleep and cuddles will make her feel better.
Oh you two are furrabulous nurses it sounds like, what amazing little helpers ~the FLuffy Tribe
Wow, both of you are very thoughtful! I need to learn a few things...I esp like the bit about taste-testing and ESP ESP about making her exercise by making her get treats for you. Hmm...I should make her get some exercise now.... ;)
~Donny, Marie, Casey
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