Yes, that is Jack eating the main cookie and Dante was eating a small piece of it! Soon after this Jack picked up the treat and ran away with it! Yes folks, both kitties partaked of a woofie treat!!!
Okay Mommy, hush! We were just making sure it was not nasty enough to kill Samwise. It's not like we actually enjoyed it!!!
Hmph! Silly humans. Dante here and I have been tagged for a meme by Abby! Here it is!
This meme was created by the charming cats at http://www.petspics.blogspot.com/.The rules are: you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to petspics.blogspot.com. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
1. I would get into the fridge and cabinets and sample everything I found even remotely interesting. My beans keep shooing me off of the human food so I know its all gotta be good!
2. I would beat up Beaux so badly he would stay outside for always because he would be afraid to come in and face me. I would say I would beat him up so badly he would run away but that would make Mommy and Daddy sad, so staying outside forever in the backyard works too.
3. I would hold one rip roaring awesome party aboard the Black Furrball for all the kitties on the blogosphere to attend. No human supervision either. Just us kitties with all the food and all the fun we could stand!!
Since I think that this meme has been rounds lots, I tag anyone who has not done it and wants too! Happy Friday everyone!
Did you like the woofie treat Capt'n Jack? I bet it tasted really good, especially if you ran off with it. We don't have any woofies so we don't have any of those treats. But if you think I should get some just let me know and I will see what I can do to arrange for some...
Have a great weekend.
Your lady pirate
Miss Boo
wow, those are great things to do. human food IS good, so you should keep trying to steal it
Wow, what did the woofie treat taste like? Dante, I like #1 and #3 on your list of things you would do. :)
Those sound like such exciting things!
Some woofie treats aren't to bad. When momma and daddy rescued that giant yellow woffie last spring I tried out some of her liver treats. Then over Christmas my momma got a laugh when she gave my son Punkin a little rawhide chew stick out of the woofie gifts and he started gnawing on it! ~Queen Snickers
Whoa, you eated a Milkbone!?! Was it delicious?
I hope you get to do #3 sometime.
Your boys are like my sisters! All about the doggie goodies . . . they try to get into Loki's favorite peanut butter treats all the time.
We have never had a biscuit because Kesey eats them too fast. He would never go outside and leave one behind. We eat his wet food all the time though. We perch on the side of his elevated bowls and help ourselves. Yummy!
We are sure it was good even if dogs like it...all treats are good
You guys ate a doggy biscuit! I can't believe it!
Good job stealing the treats! Titus' treats are so yummy!
Hey - a treats a treat, no matter what they call it!
LOL, nothing surprises me anymore...our woofie wants to eat the gang's food and Mouse has climbed *into* the woofie's main storage bin to see if he liked that food better...
I'd like to be aboard the Black Furball! It sounds like fun.
Hmph, it was a treat and all treats are good! We hadded some of dem minty milkbones and dey is deelishus. We would so come to a big party on da Black Furball!
We hope eating that woofie treat doesn't make you start woofing!!!
Beatin up the dog,heehee I think that's everycats dream :)
So,how was the dog treat? Heehee
Purrs Mickey
Wow - a woofie treat - and it must always taste better if you're not supposed to eat it. We like #1 of your meme 'cos we keep getting shooed off human food too.
Gypsy & Tasha
I bet those woofie treats are good for your toothies, too ;-)
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