We have decided that we, as pirate kitties, need more pirate stuff in our house! There just isn't enough pirate things laying around and we think this means that other pirates will not take us seriously. This must be remedied! In order to tell Mommy about our displeasure, we googled "cat pirate" and came up with some items we think she should get.
As all pirates have done, we need to make sure we operate under our own "jolly roger" which is the name now given to any of various flags flown to identify a ship's crew as pirates (thanks Wikipedia for the definition). We think that our staff should also wear our jolly roger, so that everyone will know that they belong to us. We found this for Mommy and Daddy, what do you think?

Now, we know that many kitties do not like PTUs, but sometimes you have to ride in one. If we must leave the safety of our home or the decks of the Black Furrball, we must do it in style! Look at what we found! Pretty snazzy huh?

Finally, the best thing ever! A bed fit for a pirate cat! We have to have this, don'tcha think? It even comes with a skull toy that we can practice our piracy skills with!

One more thing, and its something Dante has been thinking a lot about. When the lovely
Diamond Emerald-Eyes gave him his special award that we blogged about yesterday, the lady said she thinks that Dante needs a title too (cause Jack is a Captain and all and Dante is just Dante). What do you kitties think? Should Dante be given a title too? What should it be?
Well Dante is yur fyrst loo-ten-nant of curse! All gud captains need a gud loo-ten-nant
How about Captain Jack and Dangerous Dante? Or Debonair Dante? Or Darling Dante? Or Infernal Dante (a little literary humour there)? FAZ
I think the cat bed is my favorite!
First Mate Dante, The Daring Gorgeous Ginger!
I reallys think Dante shoulds be knighted and be called Sir Dante. Just like Sir Francis Drake! I still loves his winky eye.
I like the t-shirt!
I also like the Sir Dante part, especially if it's after Sir Francis Drake. When my mom was preparing her lecture on the Spanish Armada, she told me all about him. I like his style.
That pirate bed is perfect for you! My Mommie really likes that t-shirt, too.
I agree that Dante needs his own title. Sir Dante has a nice ring to it.
Dante needs a title. All cats need a title!
I do like Sir Dante...
We like the shirt & carrier, but that BED...it's the greatest bed we've ever seen!!! And just perfect for you guys.
At our house, I'm Senior Cat and Max is my Second in Command, so how about Commander Dante?
Sir Dante is good. Or First Left-ten-nant!( I speak Canadian,heehee)
I really like the pirate bed and skull pillow!!! Mom can have the T -shirt :)
Purrs Mickey
That pirate bed is really cool. As for a name for Dante, how about Dauntless.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Sir Dante da Dauntless, Sir Dante da Defiler or how about Sir Dante da Fantabulus!
That pirate swag rocks! That bed looks super comfy and Momma loves the t-shirt. hee hee
We like Sir Dante too. Did yoo know that we live 2 miles furrom where Sir Francis Drake yoosed to live?
How about Dashing Dante? I like Sir Dante, too, though!!
That Pirate Bed is SO KOOL! You fellers would like that, I bet!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I like Sir Dante or Dashing Dante or Debonair Dante! *smile*
And what fabulous pirate booty you found!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Those are cool pirate things! I think you need them all.
I definately think Dante needs a title! Perhaps First Mate?
Yes, he should be given a title! Faz had some nice ideas, we think.
And YES - you NEED to get the pirate bed!!! Twice - one for Jack and one for Dante!
Tomorrow we will go and visit the South Pole station!!!! So don't miss to check it out!
That's some cool pirate gear! That bed looks like it was made for you guys, although like Karl & Ruis said, you're going to need two of them. We can't think of any new ideas for a title, but we like some of the great suggestions that everyone else has made. Sir Dante, or even Sir Dante da Dauntless has a nice ring to it. Dangerous Dante is very piratey (is that a word?). Whatever one you pick, we reckon it'll suit Dante down to the ground.
Gypsy & Tasha
Yes indeed, that's some mighty fine pirate swag you have. Nobody will mistake your house for anything else now.
About Dante's title, there are some good suggestions posted here already... wish I could come up with one or two more myself. Maybe Master and Commander...
Oah Wowww..... that bed is awesome~!!!!! I really love that~!
That is a very cute t-shirt.
I think Mom and my Daddy would both wear that t-shirt!
I like Sir Dante. He would still be your firt loo-ten-nant!
That's some cool pirate stuff!
Oh i know i know! no strings. Momma keeps yelling this 'exploratory' word at daddy every time she catches him not watching me. Something about cutting open kitties... doesn't sound like something i intend to do... however... those strings are reaaaaal nice...
I especially like the pirate bed. That is too cute. Looks nice and comfy too.
The Pirate Ship kitty bed is just TOO amazin. Ya HAF ta have one of those!
We thing Dante is automatically First Mate! We allus kinna wondered why he didnt have a title, but assumed he MUST be second-in-command.
Yes, your staff should be made to wear. those pirate t-shirts. Yes, Dante deserves a title, too.
Come on over and see the interior of our fabulous Antarctica cruise ship and meet the crew!
Karl and Ruistom
Sir Dante the Daring! That is soe awesome swag - you need to have it!
I'd say Darling Dante, but it's not very pirate-y. So the boys and I think "Sir Dante the Daring"!
Purrs and Nosekisses,
Hey guys - Pearl forgot to tell you that we tagged you for a meme over on our bloggie!
Wowie, I love all that pirate swag and you definitely have to have one each of everything. I would definitely wear the t-shirt despite my great age! BTW, I forgot to come up with my pirate name but have thought of one now - please can I be Black Cat the Hardy? I think First Mate Sir Dante the Dauntless would suit Dante:) xxx
I have no idea about a title for Dante.
I hope you saved the urls for your Mom so she can buy all those things. I really love the pirate ship bed. That is totally cool!
I agree with Tybalt, and make him First Mate!
I tagged you both for a meme, stop by when you can!
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