I have no clue why he would want to do that. When Mommy came home last night it had happened again so she called Aunt Susan to ask her V-E-Tly advice. After she finished laughing (yes, Aunt Susan has a weird sense of humor) and asking Mommy some questions Aunt Susan said that yes, it is probably behavioral and a dominance thing and to try seperating the bowls. So far Aunt Susan does not want to take either of us to work (that's human code for Aunt Susan taking us to her V-E-T hospital and doing V-E-T things to us) but if one of us has to go, she will start with Captain Jack cause she thinks it is him doing the deed too.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Captain will have to go in the PTU before me! HAHAHAHAHA! Serves him right too!! Revenge is so sweet. Until he can behave himself I refuse to play Thundering Herd or Chase the Kitty with him.

If the captain hears about the PTU, maybe he'll stop peeing in the bowl. . . you think?
I'm sure Pearl with be right over, Sir Dante.
Your aunt is a vet? That's convenient. :) We hope the peeing in the bowl stops, so neither one of you has to go in the PTU.
Sir Dante
I understand how it is with a kitty wanting to be dominant. Abby is always pushing her tiny weight around and bossing us all over the place because she doesn't want to share Momma with any of us. I think this is why Ping 'perfumes' certain things in the house. Momma has learned that all she can do is cover these areas with towels and just wash alot.
YOu have a great window!
Sweet kitty kisses to my Capt'n!
Miss Boo
Oh no not the dreaded PTU. Bouncey was using our Christmas tree as a litter box! We think maybe he is going senile, after all he is almost 16.
Dudes, knock it off so you stay away from the vet! Even if she is family!
Maybe Cap'n Jack is trying to make up some special grog...
He pees in the food bowl? Pees?! Oh my! I think you just tattled on him. haha
Peeing in the bowl? Hmmm.... I may need to remember that.
If you have an open spot I will come sit with you Sir Dante! That looks like a great view! ~Queen Snickers
That has got to be the funniest thing I ever heard. Why would a kitty want to pee in his food bowl. Well, if he keeps on doing it, just do what I would do: eat all his food and then pee in his bowl. Maybe that'll get him to stop.
I'll be right over to sit in the window with you Sir Dante! We will look like bookends : )
Tell Captain Jack to STOP peeing in your bowl, ha, ha, ha - sorry I had to laugh!
Peeing in the FOOD bowl? That's strange. My belated congratulations on Dante's knighthood.
I would like to invite you over this Sunday when I, as the official Cheerleader of the National Feline League, am cheering for the Packers in the playoff. The post will combine the artistic talents of a couple of the kitties from the blogosphere. Please come!
Poor Dante. Dominate cat stuff can be soo tiresome!
It's Tracy, Muffin's mom. Muffy would love to share Dante's window. They look so much alike.
My guinea pig, Midi, pees in her bowl whenever she wants fresh food.
She gets it.
Oh Dante, I'm so sorry that Jack is peeing in your bowl. Obviously his title is going to his head. Doesn't he realize that every good captain needs a wonderful first mate?
I'll be down soon to share your window!
Purrs and nose kisses,
We're having territorial problems in our house too. It's mom's fault for discontinuing the use of the Feliway plug- ins. Those really helped our two hissy girls settle down and be more forgiving. Hope you all work it out soon!
Ut oh, you two not getting along? That is sad. I hope you can work things out and not go to the Vet!
Purrs Mickey
I sure hope the peeing in the food bowl stops - it doesn't sound very appetizing!
Pee pee in da food bowl? Ooopsie.
Now Sir Dante, take it easy on your brother - it's not easy to get used to another kitty, especially when you're both big, tough mancats. Try to play nice boys,
Gypsy & Tasha
Sir Dante~!
I think right now you are at the top now~~~~
Hangon, you ARE at the top!!
Hello Sir Dante, there's something for you on my blog today :-D
Hi Sir Dante,
We hope that separating the bowls works. Just remember that in the pirating world, if you don't feel like your "captain" is doing a good job, the crew has the right to vote him out of the position and appoint a new captain.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Sir Dante that window sure does look like its comfy to sit in!
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