Yes, our bedroom window sprung a leak!! Mommy stopped the leak with a towel but was awake by the time she had it temporarily fixed so all of our cuddling time was over. Sigh. So we decided we would make the most of the situation and nap on the bed. But.....
No Mommy, we don't. We want to nap; not have the flashy box in our face. Geez woman, you are still too close up and we are all fuzzy anyway. Put the camera down and walk away before we show you why we are pirate kitties!!
Sigh. At least Daddy is on his way home to take Mommy shopping for a new living room suite. We are promised that they will only buy furnishings that are befitting of our royal pirate kittyness. Maybe she'll take the camera with her and leave us alone so we can sleep!!!
It's been really foggy around here every morning too. I haven't been going out much until the afternoon when Bean comes home because it's just not fun to go out if the sun not shine.
Moms can be very annoying with the flashy box. They think it is cute to interrupt naps and stuff.
It is gloomy here too and our mom is tired from having house guests.
Every time I turn around that flashy thing is in my face. Now I know why other kitties complained about it!
tell mommy to make shur that the colors of the furnichur match your furs!
Those are some nice pictures Mommy took, guys! So sorry to hear about the leak, what a pain! It's been rainy and dreary here, too...I think we've had more rainy days in December than we've had all year! Have a great week, Happy New Year!
You look just a tiny bit cranky about having your nap interrupted! My Mommie still does not really know how to work her new camera and she's had it for months.
Stupid flashy box. It is in my face so often I've actually just started posing for it because there is no use in fighting.
Nothing is worse den interupted nap time...except fur when yoor all snuggled in wif da mom and she gets up, or when dey start wif da flashy box...*sigh* our lives are so furry hard aren't they?
We made mom buy a lounge suite specially for us. It has very wide arms and back, so napping cats don't fall off, and it's not velvet so it doesn't show cat hair.
We LET her choose it in a floral pattern so she was happy.
Have fun breaking in the new furniture!
Luf, Us
Too bad you lost your cuddle time this morning. We hope your mom fixes the leak so you don't float away on the new royal furniture.
jan's funny farm
We have snow instead of rain and Mom had to go out and shovel it !
It will be a long time going through yer Mom's learning curve with her new camera!! Get used to flashes,just close yer eyes tighter !! It makes sense to get furniture that suites you two!!
Don't forget about your leaky window!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh that flashy box, sometimes it is so annoyings.
Oh man, I can't believe your momma interrupted your foggy-day naptime with the flashy box. You look very groggy. I hope you were able to catch up with your naps.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
My mommy bought a new flashybox too and the flashy part is way too bright!
I understand that you don't like the rain, but you can be happy that you live in such a beautiful area. When we look out our windows we often see cars. We do have nice big trees, but the cars and the condos are very close to us.
Boy, she's got a lot of nerve! Just because she got a new camera does not mean you're willing to have your necessary naps disturbed! Good for you two for not cooperating.
Oh dear, a new camera. those impromptu sessions will last for weeks until your mommy figures it all out.
That is such a bummer about your window. Water is no good except for drinking and I mean that. Just drinking.
I'm so glad you all had such a great Christmas. Mommy and daddy have both been sick (or as me and Bendrix call it "lazy) and of course running all over for family stuff (wait for the letter - kareoke was involved) so we didn't visit earlier this week.
We did remember all our friends tho! What awesome Secret Paws gifts! We're going to do them in the spring. Mommy and daddy think they have some of the money stuff figured out.
Big purrs to you all for a wonderful 2008!
Happy new year to you two.
Maybe the sun has come to New Zealand for a holiday - about time too!!
Anything to get the flashie camera away, right?
It's rainy here too. My mom wishes her gotted a new flashy box but I'm glad her didn't.
The only thing worse than having
nap time interrupted is having nap time interrupted by the flashy box.
Dante, you look like me. Orange cat hair looks lovely against a navy blue or black background.Try to guide your beans towards those colors whe they look for furniture.
Hey~~ You both look so upset~!
I hope you have a great new year's eve~!!!
And wish you have a wonderful new year~!
Hey guys, I wanted to wish you a very happy New Year and also let you know I gave you an award!
I hope your window stopped leaking so you can sit in it. I also hope the sun came back out.
Happy New Year to all on the Black Furrball!!
Arrrrrggggghhhh ....
Happy New Year! 2008 is gonna be GREAT!
Happy New Year Capt. Jack and Dante.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy New Year to you and your family! Hope your 2008 is great!
My mom and dad got a new camera for Christmas also. They just keep flashing us in the eyes! Ugh!
Happy New Year!!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
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