Hey Kitties, Dante here. You guys are not going to believe what I heard my Mommy say about me last night. She said that I am fat and need to go on a diet!! WHAT? I am not fat! I may eat a lot but I work out and exercise a lot too - just look!

Ever since Fagin moved in, I've been the chief Pirate Trainer for the little guy. Here I told him to attack me and try to take me down any way he could. As you can see, he was unsuccessful and it was my manly bulk that kept him from being able to pull me down.

In this picture I am teaching Fagin how to escape any hold that another pirate kitty may try on him. As you can see I have him in a neck bite hold and he is trying to kick me off of him. It is my responsibility to make sure that ny new little brother is prepared for any foe he might face, so I have to definitely outweigh him to pull this training off successfully. I would never forgive myself if he were not prepared and got hurt or taken prisoner.

Finally, I have to teach the little guy paw to paw combat. Again, my size only benefits him because he can practice full out on me without fear of hurting me. I have plenty of natural bulk and padding. He needs this practice! It could mean life or death on the open seas! I owe it to the little guy to be the best and biggest trainer I can possibly be.

Yep, my Mommy is wrong. I am not fat, I am a big, mean, pirate kitty training machine! I am going to ignore what she said and take a nap. I think I will dream of my beautiful pirate love, my Black Pearl. There's not a prettier female kitty in this world and I bet she thinks I am a good looking mancat, no matter what Mommy thinks!!
me wanna grow up to be big pirate like you Dante!!! you is my hero! we looks alike too!!!
Fagin!!! PLAY? PLAYPLAYPLAYPLAYPLAY? - come ofur if you wanna! - Billy
Dante, you are an excellent trainer! Those are great photos of you teaching Fagin how to be a good pirate!
But, you do want to make sure you are at a healthy weight! Being overweight can cause all kinds of health problems, and we want you to live a long, healthy life!
You are a fantastic pirate trainer! Just look at the skill you have in showing Fagin how to become a true pirate. All I see is floof...in fact you remind me of Mr.Jinx he is floofy too.
OH Captain Jack I would love love love to come share a sunbeam with you. I have to tell you that last night Momma sat with me and rubbed me and talked real nice to me and I just loved being spoiled. I rolled my head and looked up at her and she said she knew I was giving her love eyes. It made her feel so good too. Then I slept curled up next to her all night. I feel so good today...and this visit with you will make it all complete...
Purrs and Headbumpies
your devoted lady love pirate
Miss Boo
Fat??? Shame on your mum furr using that dredded word. We can see you are all muskyoolar hansum pirate. Us gingers are just big boned.
Darling Dante,
I am on my way - clearly your Mommy is ill, she must have a fever, delirious, double vision, concusion?! It's the only possible reason I can think of for her calling such a fine specimen of ManCat fat!
When we are done getting your Mommy in her right mind we can relax in the sunbeams and enjoy the afternoon :-)
Your loving Pirate Girl,
The Black Pearl
Dante, you are definately NOT fat! The nerve of your Mum! My Mum AND the VET tried to tell me I was fat (well, Mum says chubby, as if that doesn't sting as much)-these Mums and VETS just don't know what a well honed kitty should look like.
I love the pictures of you training Fagin - you are a very good big brother!
You are an excellent trainer for little Fagin! You wanna do some diet exercises with Pumuckl? Maybe together it's more fun to loose some grams?
There is just more of you for Pearl to love, Dante. ;)
Dante, you are NOT fat! You are solid muscle under all that fur! Your mom might have to walk the plank for saying such mutinous words.
Dante, pay no attention at all to comments about your weight. You look fine to me! Of course, being a widebody myself, I'm a big guy, too.
Max S
PS You're doing a great job training Fagin! Keep up the good work.
Yoo are a great pirate trainer Dante. Yoo definitely wanna haf some padding when dealing wif a kitten, dey can get purrty wild. Remind yoor mom dat all dat mussel, yes mussel, makes yoo just dat much more skweezable.
Yur Mommy has bin in the rum again hazzint she? Fat? She must be seein dubble....
Fat? That's just outrageaous! You are in purrfect training form, Dante!!
Dante, you are not FAT! Obviously you are floofy! You are doing an excellant job training Fagin to be a good pirate!
Hi Fagin! How are you!!!
Ahoy, Captain Jack!
We let Mommy up from bed rest so that we could visit our friends. These pictures are fantastic.
Yup,yer Mom is wrong!! With all that training,you will not be fat!!! You will be ready to sail the high seas!!!!! Arrrggggghhhhh!!!!
Purrs Mickey
With all the pirate personal training your giving Fagin, you will too will be getting back to your fighting weight! No worries.
Good lessons for the little guy! Keep up the good training.
Dante, what a good big brother and pirate trainer you are. Just keep telling your mother that it is muscle not fat.
Tiki,Tavi, Cody and Camie
Somdbody just need to give the kids lessons, and you are the best teacher~!!!Dante!
Dante, you are in perfect shape for a training. The more orange in the world, the better. Oh, and it was very nice meeting your cousins in yesterday's post.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
I agree! You're right! Mommy's wrong.
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