Kitties, we need your purrs and purrayers. As we've posted about before, we is having a new cabin boy in a few months. Right now the kitty is in Mommy's tummy and has been there for 21 weeks now - halfway to being borned. Well, Mommy went to the doctor yesterday and got some scary news. It seems her blood pressures are high and her ankles are swollen. The cabin boy V-E-T is concerned and has told Mommy that while she is allowed to go to work for now, if she is not at work she needs to be at home, resting with her feet up. She has to destress. She also has to monitor her blood pressures three times a day and do everything she can to keep it down. The V-E-T also told Mommy to let her work know that it probably will not be long before she is placed on total bed rest due to pregnancy induced hypertension and possible pre-eclampsia. All this could mean Mommy will have the cabin boy a lot earlier than she wanted. Mommy is afraid it will be too early - way too early.
Mommy is very scared as this is quite early for these problems to be popping up. She is afraid of losing our cabin boy. She is afraid of him being borned way too early and not making it or having lots of health issues. She is also worried about losing her job is she has to go on bed rest too early and day hunting gigs just are not easy to find. Of course, all of these worries are NOT helping her and are doing the exact opposite of what the doctor needs for her to do. Kitties, we need your purrs and purrayers. We know we has not been posting much and we are sorry, but we really could use some special cat blogosphere support right now. Thank you in advacne for your purrs and purrayers. We can use all of those we can get!!
WE ARE SENDING LOTS OF PURRSS!!! Mommy had to spend three months in bed with both Tatum and Sloane!!! Not much fun, but worth it!!!
We are giving many and many purrs an' prayers for the little cabin boy. Tell your momma to pick up a cat an' make it purr as often as she can because that lowers blood pressure. No salt. No canned or boxed foods because those are high in salt.
Tell momma that if her doctor writes her a note for her personnel file that she has to be home it is against Federal law for them to not let her back when she can resume her day job.
Tell momma that when she is bed ridden she "may" be able to apply for temporary social security disability.
Tell your momma that many and many angels from Heaven will be sent down to cuddle the little cabin boy.
We are purring and wagging tails for your mom and the cabin boy!
Oh we've got our purr motors revving on high and we're sending our bestest purrs to your mom and the little cabin boy!
Sending prayers for your mommy and cabin boy!
Purrs to your Mommy and the little cabin boy. Please tell your Mommy that she really does need to figure out how to destress. Maybe she can talk to someone who knows how to do that. It's SO important!
Adding my purrayers. You don't want that blurpy to come out too soon.
Don't you worry yourselves that you don't post too much. Newbie Cabin Boy is MUCH MUCH more important. Take Care and REST.
Of course! Harley and I are going to link our paws and send strong purrs for your mom and the little cabin boy!
Lots an lots a purrs fur alla yous. Da Fambly Cat-a-blog Kittiez advice is furry good. Yur mom should be able to talk bout her worries wif her doc or sumone frum him's office, an if they won't make time fur dat, they's mean.
Lots of fur an purr therapy is defnitly in order. Cats is grate fur helpin to destress.
Purrs, purrs an more purrs,
Victor & Nina
We're purring as loud and as hard as we can for yuor Mom and the cabin boy.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Purring fur you and da noo cabin boy!!! Get rest and takes ur vitamins!
-Daisy May Daffodil
vitamins and glucosamine
helped me alots
Qw will be purring mighty hard for the Cabin Kitty and your MOm!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Many purrs for your Mommy. The most important thing is her and cabin boy's health. Everything else can be figured out later. Hugs to all of you.
Hi! I was just checking back to see how you are doing! Please let me know if I can do ANYTHING to help!!!
Call me anytime if you need to talk. I've been where you are before! You must rest and let that baby "cook"!
301/963-3699 home
281/468-4468 cell
Much love, Deb
This is not good news, so rest, rest and more rest. Don't worry, be happy. Specially don't worry, things will work out. Like Auntie Deb said, the cabin boy has to 'cook' some more.
oh, our dear kitties an' beans!! of course we will purr an' purrray for the li'l cabin boy an' yer momma--an' alla yas there. even the dbd is grrrrrr-ing softly, an' we will not stop!!!
love & blessins--
the meowers
Yoo has our purrs loud and strong! We member when the mom had the alien blurpy in her bellehs. She was put on bed rest acuz her kidneys were not workin, she hated dat. But in da end wif bed rest and destress (she too was worried bout jobs/money) the blurp is here and a pest to us! Keep yer mom well wif yer purrs and we will do da same here fer her too...
We will purr very hard. For yoo, the little cabin boy and all the peeple vets too. Purr purr purr!
We are purring and purring and purring! The maid's hula teacher had the same problems (plus TONS of stress) - and not the youngest mother at 38 either! The boy came early (cesarean) but not too early and everything went fine and he and mom are well and that's how it will be with your Mom!!!
Just tell your Mom to relax and rest and she and the little one will be fine! PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
We is all gonna purr and purr and purray like crazy fur mom and da little cabin boy. Our mom sez dat if da doctor fills our da Federal Family Medical Leave Act papers dey can't make her job go away...dat should de-stress her some.
Special purrs for your mom!
All of us are sending relaxing vibes and purrayers for your human mama and her human kitten.
uSSSSS and Auntie Deb
p.s. Hello to the Purrageious Pirates! We know that you are taking very good care of your Mommy!
We'll all be praying for your cabin boy and his mommy. Praying and praying...
Our CampStanhope residents (8 cats and two 'beans) will keep you in our thoughts and purrayers.
Sending your Mum big rumbly purrs to calm her. You kitties have your work cut out now, soothing your Mum and Cabin Boy.
Whicky Wuudler
We are purraying for you.
I am sending the biggest purrs I can do for you and the cabin boy. Hang on in there little one. Mum says she is perraying very much for you..
Sending love and healing vibes accross that pond.. GJ xx
All of us Sherwoods are purring and purraying for yours Momma and Lil Cabin Boy.
Love and Purrs,
Hi Puwwageous Piwates
I'm not a kitty, but a fwiend of many and I wanted to add my woofs to all the puwws.
I will cwoss my paws and Mommi will pway that youw Mom doesn't lose hew job,,but can stay calm and west and delivew a healthy wondewful cabin boy.
Don't get discouwaged , all the pawsitive vibes and pwayews will help
and smoochie heling kisses
Adding our Purrs and Prayers!
~ Anna Sue and The Bunch
we are sending out many purrrss and purrayers for your mom to 'alax. Make shur that she has lots of her favorite chick flick movies to watch and make shur that you all give her the love eyes and lay next to her and keep her down. we love you all and are praying for the bestest!
We is sending lots n lots n lots of purrs for yore mommy n cabin boy!
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties
Hope you are relaxing!!!!
Love, uSSSSS & Auntie Deb
kisses to the little "Cabin Boy"!!!
Here's lots of VERY loud purrs and good thoughts for your mom and Cabin Boy!
Oh guys, we just know your Mom's VET is doing everything right to take care of her and the cabin boy. We're purrin' for them!
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