Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mancat Monday

Hiya kities, it is ME, FAGIN!! YAY!! Well, not YAY actually. FAGIN is here to complain about Mommy. Why is Mommies so lazy when they had a bitty bean in their tummy? Mommy SAID she would help FAGIN to get HIS pictures online - of FAGIN climbing up a screen on our porch this weekend like a REAL MANCAT and everything but what happened? Mommy could not find the camera cable and you know what? SHE BARELY LOOKED!!! She said she is too TIRED!!!! FAGIN not get it!! All Mommy did ALL DAY LONG was lay around and watch TV and nap with Dante and Captain Jack and Samwise. She didn't even PLAY with FAGIN!!! FAGIN is hurt!!! FAGIN is going to run away!! BILLY, can ME come and live with you?? ME feels neglected.

Fagin, you cannot run away...

But why not Dante?

Because it would make Mommy sad. And we do not want her to cry, do we?

No, FAGIN guess not. But will she stop being tired and help ME with my pictures soon do you think?

Yes, I know she will help us to get pictures online soon. We just have to be patient with her for a while.

What do you think kitties? Should FAGIN be patient? Will Mommy be tired forever? Will she ver help us with our pictures again? What if all the kitties forget what FAGIN looks like. You guys still remember what FAGIN looks like, don't you? FAGIN hopes so!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I expect that she will be busy and tired for awhile now Fagin. I think you need to work on other ways of playing and realize that she still loves you even if she doesn't have tons of energy.

Puffie said...

Sweetie, mom still loves you, but she's just more tired than usual. Of course she'll post your pictures, love. Do not run away as that would make mom Very Very sad and weepy. You don't want mom weepy. She needs you. Stay home and take care of her like a grown Mancat should. She'll be better soon.

The Meezers or Billy said...


The Furry Kids said...

I think maybe you should cut her some slack. I think she'll feel better in a few weeks. :)


Sunny's Mommy said...

Fagin, I think you're going to have to be patient. Growing the baby bean in her belly is very tiring for your Mommy.

The Crew said...

Don't worry Fagin, we won't forget you!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh jeez, I'm with you Fagin. These pregnant mommies are sooooooo tired all the time. I mean, we kitties sleep 16-18 hours a day and I'm not as sleepy as she is! Jeez.

Don't run away tho. We'd miss you to much. We won't forget you buddy! We'll look forward to your pictures.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yep, we heard Mommies get tired. So be patient. We will wait ta hear from ya.

Black Cat said...

Don't worry Fagin, we won't forget you! Hang on in there, your Mommie won't be tired for ever! :) xxx