Ahoy mateys!!! Welcome aboard the decks of the much feared Black Furrball. Ahoy the Cat O'Nine Tails and her fearsome crew!!! Captain Jack and crew are almost ready to depart to our port of call for this year - the mystical Isle of Baast - a kitty paradise that cannot be found on a map but instead can only be found by those who know where it is. Good for us, Captain Jack knows where it is. As we get ready to make way, please feel free to wander the decks and help yourself to the treats and noms that our pirate wench (Mommy) has placed out for us -including all kinds of seafood and even HAMM!! To the left you will find Fagin with lots of fishing poles and nets for those who wish to fish. There be hammocks for napping, and lots of pirate catnip rum for sipping.

In order to get to the Isle of Baast our first stop is the infamous Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels are alleged to have mysteriously disappeared and cannot be explained as human error, piracy, equipment failure, or natural disasters. Popular culture has attributed some of these disappearances to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings. But we know the truth kitties- the Bermuda Triangle is nothing more than one big teleyport machine - one of the few enterances to the Isle of Baast. Let's go!!
Be not afraid kitties, the Captain and crew have made this trip numerous times. Captain Jack will see us through. We will arrive momentarily.......